김밥 Kim-bob
주먹밥구이 Baked rice balls
생선초밥 Vinegared rice balls topped with raw fish slice
야채샌드위치 Vegetable sandwich
참치샌드위치 Tuna sandwich
크로크무슈 Cheese and ham sandwich panfried with butter
타락죽 Milk gruel
들깨죽 Perilla seeds gruel
훈제족발 Smoked pork
훈제연어 Smoked salmon
해물냉채 Cold seafood dish
모듬묵 Assorted jelly
돈육보쌈 Pork and vegetable wrap
오이도라지무침 Cucumber and platycodon seasoned with hot sauce
골뱅이무침 Trumpet shell seasoned with hot sauce
해파리겨자채 Jellyfish(Hae-pa-ri)seasoned with mustard sauce
마른안주 Dried snack for alcohol drinks
삼색나물 Three vegetables dish
석화 Oyster
모듬회 Assorted slices of raw fish (Sa-shi-mi)
눌린머리고기 Pressed cooked pork head
햄치즈말이 Rolled ham and cheese
햄야채말이 Rolled ham and vegetables
홍어회 Slice of raw Skate
모듬숙회 Assorted cooked fish
비빔초밥 Mixed vegetable with vinegared rice
새우필라프 Shrimp pilaff
크래커샌드위치 Cracker sandwich
생선스프 Fish soup
오이스터필라프 Oyster pilaff
맛조개양념구이 Broiled seasoning shellfish
어묵순대 Fish jelly sausage(Soon-dae)
다시마오징어조림 Tangle and octopus(O-jing-o) braised with soy sauce
꽂이오이되브르 Broiled shrimp and vegetable on a skewer
굴칵테일 Oyster cocktail
캐비어오르되브르 Cookies with caviar
콩소메스프 Soup with vegetables and meat
바나나튀김 Fried banana wrapped with pork
포크파이 Pork pie
햄채소말이 Rolled ham and vegetable
스크램블에그샐러드 Scrambled egg salad
밤비노 Baked cracker with ketchup and cheese
새우식빵까나페 Fried bread with chopped shirmp
샐러드소면 Salad with thin noodle
모듬생소면 Assorted noodles
바나나튀김(연회) Fried banana wrapped with pork (catering)
오이보트샐러드 Cucumber salad
감자달걀샐러드 Potato and egg salad
바스켓샐러드 Basket salad
감자스틱샐러드 Potato stick salad
심플감자샐러드 Simple potato salad
잡채밥 Mixed noodle with rice
짜장덮밥 Black bean sauce over rice
새우볶음밥 Shrimp pilaff
소고기볶음밥 Beef pilaff
잡탕밥 Seafood and vegetable over rice
마파두부덮밥 Spicy bean-curd with ground beef over steamed rice
울면 Chinese style hot noodle
튀김만두 Fried dumpling
짜장면 Black soybean sauce with noodle
튀김만두 Fried dumpling
게살연두부탕 Crab meat and soft bean-curd soup
풋고추잡채 Mixed noodle with green pepper
콩나물표고잡채 Mixed noodle with bean sprouts and mushroom
양장피잡채 Assorted hot and cold dish with mustard
팽이버섯잡채 Mixed noodle with mushroom
짜장떡볶음 Rice-cake sauted with black bean sauce
만두탕수 Sweet and sour dumpling
두부튀김양념 Fried bean-curd seasoned with soy sauce
두부탕수 Sweet and sour bean-curd
감자탕수 Sweet and sour potatoes
짜장만두 Dumpling with black bean sauce
만두지짐 Panfried dumpilng
두부샌드 Bean-curd sandwich
마파두부 - Spicy bean-curd with ground beef
중국식두부조림 Chinese style braised bean-curd
곤약잡채 Mixed noodle with arum root jelly
두부냉채 Cold bean-curd dish
유산슬밥 Mixed rice braised with pork and various seafoods
짬뽕밥 Hot pepper soup with rice
해물볶음밥 Seafood pilaf
스슬면 Thick noodle soup with cuttlefish and vegetables
해물초면 Noodle with seafood
짬뽕 Soup with beef,vegetables and hot red pepper
삼선간짜장 Noodle with three kinds of seafoods and black bean sauce
짬뽕수제비 Soup with dough flakes and hot red pepper
삼선차면 Cold noodle with three kinds of seafoods
해물매운국 Hot soup with seafoods
삼선만두국 Dumpilng soup with three kinds of seafoods
게살스프 Fake crab meat soup
새소라송이볶음 Trumpet shell and mushroom saute
어묵짜장볶음 Fish jelly with black bean sauce saute
전갱이피망볶음 Horse mackerel and green pepper saute
대구살볶음 Codfish meat saute
깐풍어 Garlic flavored fried fish
새우깐풍완자 Garlic flavored shrimp ball
맛살튀김 Fried fake crab meat
오징어깐풍 Garlic flavored octopus(O-jing-o)
고등어자반깐풍 Garlic flavored salted mackerel(Go-deung-o)
생선탕수 Sweet and sour fish
어묵탕수 Sweet and sour fish jelly
새우튀김겨자냉채 Fried shrimp with mustard sauce (cold dish)
겐치니 Fried octopus(O-jing-o) and shrimp braised with ketchup
새우후라이탕수 Sweet and sour shrimps
맛살탕수 Fake crab meat with sweet and sour sauce
적어탕수 Redfish with sweet and sour sauce
누룽지탕수 Scorched-rice with sweet and sour sauce
해물짜장스테이크 Seafood steak with black bean sauce
중하찜 Smothered middle size shrimp
중국식생선찜 Chinese style smothered fish
새우케찹조림 Shrimp braised with ketchup
꽁치튀김조림 Fried mackerel pike braised with soy sauce
오징어완자조림 Ground octopus(O-jing-o) balls braised with soy sauce
중국식전갱이조림 Chinese style braised horse mackerel (Jeon-gang-i)
사천식냉면 Chinese style cold noodle
중국식스파게티 Chinese style spaghetti
중화장국수 Chinese noodle with soy sauce
달걀부추볶음 Egg and leek saute
햄잡채 Mixed noodle with ham
소고기샐러리볶음 Beef and celery saute
소고기느타리볶음 Beef and mushroom saute
궁보육정 Fried pork with hot and thick sauce
팔보채 Assorted seafoods and vegetables saute
돈육청경채볶음 Pork and vegetables saute
소고기두부볶음 Beef and bean-curd saute
닭고기채소볶음 Chicken and vegetable saute
소고기짜장볶음 Beef sauted with black bean sauce
소고기청경채볶음 Beef and vegetables saute
상하이식돈육불고기 Shanghai style barbecued pork
탕수육 Sweet and sour pork
난자완스 Braised ground beef balls
깐풍기 Garlic flavored fried chicken
쇠고기탕수육 Sweet and sour beef
탕수기 Sweet and sour chicken
소고기간장탕수육 Fried pork with sweet and soy sauce
과일탕수육 Fried pork with fruits and sweet and sour sauce
사천탕수육 Fried pork with Sachuan style sweet and sour sauce
수삼탕수기 Fried chicken and ginseng with sweet and sour sauce
연근탕수기 Fried chicken and lotus roots with sweet and sour sauce
장어탕수 Fried eel with sweet and sour sauce
옥수수맛탕 Fried corn coated with starch syrup
중국식닭튀김 Chinese style fried chicken
베이징식폭찹 Beijing style pork chop
통후추스테이크 Steak with whole pepper
중화소스/돈육냉채 Sliced cold pork / chinese sauce
찐만두 Steamed dumpling
탕수완자 Ground beef balls with sweet and sour sauce
소고기전병장국조림 Beef pancake braised with soy sauce and vegetable soup
닭날개조림 Chicken wings braised with soy sauce
중국식냉채 Chinese style sliced cold vegetables
곤약무침 Arum root jelly seasoned with soy sauce
방방지 Boiled chicken breast with black soy bean sauce
송이덮밥 Song-i mushroom saute over rice
청조유산슬밥 Braised seacucumber, beef and shrimp on steamed rice
팽이덮밥 Mushroom saute over rice
짜장볶음밥 Fried rice with black bean sauce
중국식볶음밥 Chinese style pilaf
상하이야끼소바 Shanghai style fried noodle
새우온면 Hot noodle with shrimp
볶음비훈 Chinese traditional fried noodle
짜쫄면 Glutinous noodle with black bean sauce
목이버섯탕 Mok-i Mushroom soup
부추잡채 Mixed noodle with leek
느타리양파볶음 Mushroom and onion saute
느타리야채볶음 Mushroom and vegetables saute
야채잡채 Mixed noodle with vegetables
버섯잡채 Mixed noodle with mushroom
콩나물잡채 Mixed noodle with bean sprouts
목이버섯달걀볶음 Mok-i Mushroom and egg saute
청경채야채볶음 Chinese cabbage and vegetable saute
가지된장볶음 Eggplant sauted with soybean sauce
죽순버섯볶음 Bamboo shoot and mushroom saute
청경채볶음 Chinese cabbage saute
감자잡채 Mixed noodle with potato
피망잡채 Mixed noodle with green pepper
파래양파튀김 Fried green laver and onion
가지생선탕수 Fried eggplant and fish with sweet and sour sauce
감자맛탕 Fried potato coated with starch syrup
야채탕수 Fried vegetables with sweet and sour sauce
두부브로커리탕수 Fried bean-curd and broccoli with sweet and sour sauce
쑥갓조개전 Korean pancake with crown daisy and shellfish
부추무침 Leek seasoned with hot sauce
양파/춘장 Onion / black bean sauce
쑥갓곤약구들깨무침 Crown daisy and arum root jelly seasoned with perilla seeds
숙주유부겨자무침 Green bean sprouts and fried bean-curd seasoned with mustard
청경채겉절이 Chinese cabbage salad with hot sauce
중국식오이김치 Chinese style cucumber Kimchi
쟈스민차 Jasmin tea
중국식소스 Chinese style whole pepper sauce
유부초밥 (스넥) Vinegared rice balls topped with fried bean-curd
맛살김밥 (스넥) Fake crab meat Kim-bob
햄김밥 Ham Kim-bob
메밀국수 Buckwheat noodle
새우튀김국수 Noodle with fried shrimp
유부국수 Noodle with fried bean-curd
우동 Japanese noodle
국수장국 Noodle with soy soup
국수전골 Noodle casserole
소고기우동 Japanese noodle with beef
유부우동(스넥) Japanese noodle with fried bean-curd
소면(스넥) Thin noodle
메밀국수(스넥) Buckwheat noodle
두부홍합국(대) Bean-curd and hard-shell soup(large)
유부된장국 Fried bean-curd soybean soup
두부홍합국(중) Bean-curd and hard-shell(Hong-hap) soup (medium)
냉소면국 Cold thin noodle soup
유부다시마국 Bean-curd and tangle soup
브로커리미역국 Seaweed(Mi-yok) soup with broccoli
공약탕 Arum roots jelly soup
고구마튀김 Fried sweet potatoes
감자양파튀김 Fried potatoes and onions
두부스테이크 Bean-curd steak
유부조림 Fried bean-curd braised with soy sauce
곤약샐러드 Arum roots jelly salad
참치회덮밥 Raw tuna over steamed rice with vinegared hot sauce
오징어회덮밥 Raw octopus(O-jing-o) over steamed rice with vinegared hot sauce
광어회덮밥 Raw halibut over steamed rice with vinegared hot sauce
한치회덮밥 Raw hanchi over steamed rice with vinegared hot sauce
야채김밥 Vegetable Kim-bob
양배추말이김밥 Kim-bob rolled with cabbage
모듬김밥 Assorted Kim-bob
삼색말이김밥 Kim-bob with three kinds of vegetables
김치김밥 Kimchi Kim-bob
치즈김밥 Cheese Kim-bob
삼색누드김밥 Three colors of kim-bob
카레김밥 Curry Kim-bob
누드날치알김밥 Flying fish egg Kim-bob
깻잎김밥 Sesame leaves Kim-bob
햄살김말이튀김 Fried ham with Kimmari
신토불이김밥 Original Kim-bob
계란말이김밥 Kim-bob rolled with egg
사색블랙김밥 Four color Kim-bob
참치회김밥 Kim-bob with raw tuna
오징어회덮밥(스넥) Raw octopus(O-jing-o) over steamed rice(Snack)
참치회덮밥(스넥) Raw tuna over steamed rice(Snack)
새우튀김덮밥(스넥) Fried shrimp over steamed rice(Snack)
모듬회덮밥 Assorted raw fish over rice
오뎅국수 Noodle with fish jelly
해물라면 Instant noodle with seafood
꼬치오뎅우동 Noodle with fish jelly
해물국수(스넥) Noodle with seafood(Snack)
오뎅국수(스넥) Noodle with fish jelly(Snack)
오뎅국 Fish jelly soup
오뎅국(대) Fish jelly soup(large)
오뎅국(중) Fish jelly soup(medium)
오뎅정식 Fish jelly soup served with steamed rice
꼬치오뎅(스넥) Fish jelly soup (Snack)
미소시로(스넥대) Japanese soybean soup(Snack-large)
미소시로(2) Japanese soybean soup(2)
대구지리(대) Codfish soup(large)
알탕(대) Fish egg soup(large)
알매운탕 Fish egg pepper pot soup
삼선계란탕(대) Egg soup with three kinds of seafoods (large)
대구지리(중) Codfish soup(medium)
삼선계란탕(중) Egg soup with three kinds of seafoods (medium)
피망미역볶음 - Green pepper and seaweed(Mi-yok) saute Green pepper and seaweed(Mi-yok) saute
새우튀김 Fried shrimp
새우까스 Shrimp cutlet
굴비튀김 Fried yellow corvina (Gool-bi)
조기홍초 Broiled yellow corvina (Cho-gi) with sweet and sour sauce
생선튀김고추장양념 Fried fish with hot sauce
청어산초향튀김 Fried herring with chinese pepper sauce
어묵빵가루튀김 Fried fish jelly breaded with crumb
미역야채튀김 Fried seaweed(Mi-yok) and vegetables
게맛살튀김 Fried fake crab meat
파래호끼살튀김(완) Fried fish with green laver
이면수구이 Broiled I-myoun-su fish
굴비구이 Broiled yellow corvina(Gool-bi)
삼치구이 Broiled Spanish mackerel(Sam-chi)
오징어양념구이 Broiled octopus(O-jing-o) seasoned with hot sauce
병어양념장구이 Broiled butterfish (Byung-o) seasoned with hot suace and soy sauce
오징어불고기 Barbecued octopus(O-jing-o)
연북어구이 Broiled dried pollack
건우럭구이 Broiled dried u-ruk
적어양념구이 Broiled redfish seasoned with hot suace
삼치된장구이 Broiled Spanish mackerel(Sam-chi) with soybean sauce
삼치엿장구이 Broiled Spanish mackerel(Sam-chi) with soy sauce and starch syrup
생선야채구이 Broiled fish with vegetables
삼치양념구이 Broiled Spanish mackerel(Sam-chi) seasoned with soy sauce
장어구이정식 Broiled eel served with steamed rice
오징어양념구이(스넥) Broiled octopus(O-jing-o) seasoned with hot sauce (Snack)
어묵찜 Smothered fish jelly
미역깐새우무침 Seasoned seaweed(Mi-yok) and shrimp
홍합초 Hard-shell (Hong-hap) braised with soy sauce
참치무조림 Tuna and radish braised with soy sauce
미역조림 Seaweed(Mi-yok) braised with soy sauce
다시마멸치조림 Anchovy and tangle braised with soy sauce
고등어장조림 Mackerel(Go-deung-o) braised with soy sauce
도미조림(스넥) Bream braised with soy sauce(snack)
해파리겨자채 Jellyfish(Hae-pa-ri) seasoned with mustard
콩나물겨자채 Bean sprouts seasoned with mustard
해물냉채 Cold cooked seafood seasoned with vinegared sauce
미역갑오징어무침 seaweed(Mi-yok) and shell-octopus(O-jing-o) seasoned with hot sauce
오징어냉채 Cold cooked octopus(O-jing-o) seasoned with vinegar sauce
미역초무침 Seaweed(Mi-yok) seasoned with vinegar
미역겨자무침 Seaweed(Mi-yok) seasoned with mustard
생다시마쌈 Tangle wrap
참치회무침 Raw tuna seasoned with vinegared hot sauce
오징어회샐러드 Raw octopus(O-jing-o) salad
홍어회 Raw skate
소고기덮밥 Beef saute over rice
치킨라이스 Chicken breast saute with ketchup over rice
계란카레덮밥 Curry rice with egg
돈육튀김덮밥 Fried pork over rice
소고기버섯덮밥 Beef and mushroom over rice
소고기덮밥(스넥) Beef over rice(Snack)
계란메밀국수 Buckwheat noodle with egg ganish
소고기곤약탕 Beef and arum root jelly soup
닭고기볶음(유자된장소스) Chicken saute with soybean and citron sauce
닭튀김/인삼소스 Fried chicken / ginseng sauce
돈까스/참깨소스 Pork cutlet / sesame sauce
일식탕수육 Japanese style sweet and sour pork
돈육유자향구이 Broiled pork with citron
돈육구이와 시금치무침 Broiled pork and seasoned spinach
돈육레몬구이 Broiled pork with lemon
닭고기유자된장구이 Broiled chicken with citron and soybean sauce
깨를얹은닭안심구이 Broiled chicken breast with sesame sauce
돈육생강장조림 Pork and ginger braised with soy sauce
닭조림 Chicken braised with soy sauce
일본식마요네즈 Japanese style mayonnaise
일식야채밥 Japanese style steamed rice with vegetables
섞음초밥 Mixed vinegared rice
샐러드초밥 Mixed vinegared rice with vegetables and seafood
열무초밥(스넥) Vinegared rice with radish leaves
호박볶음국수 Noodle and zucchini saute
산채모밀국수 Buckwheat noodle with wild vegetables
깨장소면 Thin noodle with sesame soy sauce
냉미역메밀국수 Cold buckwheat noodle with seaweed (Mi-yok)
튀김우동(스넥) Noodle with fried vegetables and seafoods (snack)
튀김쑥국수(스넥) Mugwort noodle with fried vegetables and seafoods (snack)
미역두부왜된장국(대) Seaweed(Mi-Yok) soybean soup with bean-curd
모듬장국 Soup flavored with soy sauce
무쌈 Radish wrap
야채튀김 Fried vegetables
생선콘프레이크튀김 Fried fish with corn flake
곤약구튀김 Fried arum root jelly
일본식두부튀김 Japanese style fried bean-curd
우엉튀김/소스 Fried burdock / sauce
만가닥튀김/일식튀김장 Fried man-ga-dack mushroom / Japanese style sauce
고구마흑임자튀김 Fried sweet potatoes with black sesame
야채튀김(완) Fried vegetables (ready prepared)
느타리버섯양념구이 Broiled seasoning mushroom
연근조림 Lotus roots braised with soy sauce
우엉당근조림 Burdock and carrot braised with soy sauce
우엉조림 Burdock braised with soy sauce
곤약무조림 Arum root jelly and radish braised with soy sauce
락교 Pickled roots of green onion
나나스끼 Pickled melon
연근초절이 Pickled lotus roots
오복채무침 Pickled radish seasoned with hot sauce
락교무침 Pickled root of green onion seasoned with hot sauce
미역두부겨자무침 Seaweed(Mi-yok) and bean-curd seasoned with mustard sauce
무초해물회쌈 Pickled radish wrap for raw seafoods
만가닥샐러드 man-ga-dack mushroom salad
삼색생채 Three kinds of vegetables salad
우엉샐러드 Burdock salad
다시마냉채 Cold tangle seasoned with vinegar
센차 Japanese green tea
우엉모밀국수샐러드 Burdock and buckwheat noodle salad
일식피망샐러드 Japanese style green pepper salad
일식샐러드 Japanese style salad
참깨소스 Sesame sauce
일식양파소스 Japanese style onion sauce
생강소스 Ginger sauce
야채소스 Vegetable sauce
쌀밥 Steamed rice
보리밥 Steamed barely
팥밥 Steamed rice with red bean
녹두밥 Steamed rice with green bean
차조밥 Steamed rice with millet
검정콩밥 Steamed rice with black bean
완두콩밥 Steamed rice with pea
오곡찰밥 Steamed rice with five grains
강남콩밥 Steamed rice with kidney beans
콩나물밥 Steamed rice with bean sprouts
감자밥 Steamed rice with potato
고구마밥 Steamed rice with sweet potato
팥죽 Red bean gruel
동부콩밥 Steamed rice with bean
현미밥 Steamed unpolished rice
쌀죽 Rice gruel
깨죽 Sesame gruel
잣죽 Pine nuts gruel
인삼죽 Ginseng gruel
선비콩밥 Steamed rice with sun-bi bean
수수조밥 Steamed rice with Indian millet
밤밥 Steamed rice with chestnut
옥수수밥 Steamed rice with corn
주먹밥 Rice ball
묵채비빔밥 Mixed rice with acorn jelly
콩탕밥 Steamed rice with bean-curd dregs
김치밥 Steamed rice with Kimchi
콩죽 Bean gruel
흑향미밥 Steamed black rice
녹두미음 Mung-bean gruel
비엔나소시지구이 Broiled sausage
세아리반 Steamed various grains
북어대추죽 Dried pollack and jujube gruel
밤암죽 Chestnut gruel
목이버섯율무죽 Mushroom and adlay gruel
울타리콩밥 Steamed rice with Wool-ta-ri beans
현미쑥쌀밥 Steamed unpolished rice with mugwort
현미쑥쌀영양밥 Steamed unpolished rice with mugwort and jujube
떡국 Rice- cake soup
물냉면 Cold water noodle
만두국 Dumpling soup
비빔국수 Mixed noodle with hot sauce
비빔냉면 Mixed buckwheat noodle with hot sauce
칼국수 handmade noodle
온면 Hot noodle
쫄면 Glutinous noodle
김치비빔국수 Mixed noodle with Kimchi
보리비빔냉면 Mixed barley noodle with hot sauce
소면 Thin noodle
열무물냉면 Mixed buckwheat noodle with water radish leaves Kimchi
콩국수 Noodle with soybean soup
볶음라면 Instant noodle saute
냉우동 Cold Japanese noodle
사리곰탕면 Noodle with beef stock soup
열무비빔국수 Mixed noodle with hot sauce and radish leaves Kimchi
메밀비빔국수 Mixed buckwheat noodle with hot sauce
냉소면 Cold thin noodle
떡라면 Instant noodle with rice-cake
팥칼국수 handmade noodle with red bean soup
감자수제비 Soup with dough flakes and potato
떡만두국 Rice-cake soup with dumpling
모밀우동 Buckwheat hot noodle
모밀칼국수 handmade buckwheat noodle
열무냉국수 Cold noodle with radish leaves Kimchi
막국수 Buckwheat noodle with hot sauce
잔치국수 Thin noodle with soup flavored with soy sauce
유부김치국수 Noodle with fried bean-curd and Kimchi
만두라면 Instant noodle with dumpling
수제비칼국수 handmade noodle soup with dough flakes
라면 Instant noodle
쌀국수 Rice noodle
쌀냉면 Cold noodle made of rice
굴떡국 Rice-cake soup with oyster
된장국수 Noodle with soybean sauce
인삼수제비 Soup with dough flakes and ginseng
인도라면 India style instant noodle
김치비빔냉면 Mixed cold noodle with hot sauce and Kimchi
고향수제비 Homemade style soup with dough flakes
모시조개칼국수 Shellfish soup with dough flakes
들깨칼국수 handmade noodle with perilla seeds
미역수제비 Seaweed(Mi-yok) soup with dough flakes
찹쌀수제비 Soup with dough flakes made of sticky rice
청포국수 Green-pea jelly noodle
칼싹두기 Hand- made buckwheat noodle
고추장수제비 Spicy soup with dough flakes
메밀콩국수 Buckwheat noodle in soybean soup
만두국(스넥) Dumpling soup(snack)
떡국(스넥) Rice-cake soup(snack)
떡만두국(스넥) Rice-cake and dumpling soup (snack)
팥떡(연회) Red bean rice-cake (catering)
바람떡 Ba-ram rice-cake
두부쑥갓왜된장국 Japanese soybean soup with bean-curd and crown daisy
콩나물두부된장국(대) Bean sprouts soybean soup with bean-curd (large)
감자다시마국(대) Potato soup with tangle(large)
감자애호박국(대) Potato and zucchini soup(large)
두부토장국(대) Bean-curd soy bean paste soup(large)
콩나물조개국(대) Bean sprouts and clam soup(large)
두부유부된장국(대) Bean-curd and fried bean-curd soybean soup
콩나물국(대) Bean sprouts soup(large)
감자양파국(대) Potato and onion soup(large)
두부오뎅국(대) Bean-curd and fish jelly soup(large)
감자국(대) Potato soup(large)
감자고비된장국(대) Potato and royal fern soybean soup(large)
콩나물냉국(대) Bean sprouts cold soup(large)
두부어묵새우젓국(대) Bean-curd and fish jelly soup with salted shrimp(large)
김치수제비국 Kimchi soup with dough flakes
감자미역국(대) Seaweed (Mi-yok) soup with potato (large)
두부오뎅국(중) Bean-curd and fish jelly soup(medium)
두부토장국(중) Bean-curd soy bean paste soup(medium)
두부어묵새우젓국(중) Bean-curd and fish jelly soup with salted shrimp(medium)
콩나물조개국(중) Bean sprouts and clam soup (medium)
감자다시마국(중) Potato soup with tangle(medium)
감자고비된장국(중) Potato and royal fern soybean soup(medium)
소고기두부토장국(중) Beef and bean-curd soybean paste soup
들깨된장국(중) Soybean soup with wild sesame(medium)
두부유부된장국(중) Bean-curd and fried bean-curd soybean soup(medium)
감자국(중) Potato soup(medium)
수제비아욱된장국 Mallow soybean soup with dough flakes
느타리버섯수제비국 Mushroom soup with dough flakes
묵채해장국 Acorn jelly soup to chase a hangover
두부배추된장국 Bean-curd and cabbage soybean soup
순두부맑은국 Clear soup with bean-curd
수제비국 Soup with dough flakes
팥탕즙 Red bean juice
순두부찌개(대) Uncurdled bean-curd stew(large)
두부새우젓찌개 Bean-curd soup with salted shrimp
된장찌개(대) Bean paste stew(large)
유부김치찌개(대) Kimchi stew with fried bean-curd(large)
콩비지찌개(대) Bean-curd dregs stew (large)
청국장찌개(대) Fermented soybean soup(large)
연두부찌개 Soft bean-curd stew
순두부김치찌개(대) Uncurdled bean-curd stew with Kimchi (large)
감자찌개(대) Potato stew(large)
유부김치찌개(중) Kimchi stew with fried bean-curd(medium)
콩비지찌개(중) Bean-curd dregs stew(medium)
순두부김치찌개(중) Uncurdled bean-curd stew with Kimchi (medium)
순두부찌개(중) Uncurdled bean-curd stew(medium)
청국장찌개(중) Fermented soybean soup(medium)
두부백탕(대) Bean-curd soup(large)
감자탕(대) Bone stock soup with potato(large)
감자탕(중) Bone stock soup with potato(medium)
두부백탕(중) Bean-curd soup(medium)
순두부버섯탕 Uncurdled bean-curd and mushroom soup
소고기만두탕 Beef and dumpling soup
평안도식 되비지탕 Pyoung-an do style pork and bean-curd dregs soup
김치감자탕 Kimchi and potato soup
만두매운탕 Dumpling pepper pot soup
감자채풋고추볶음 Sliced potato and green pepper saute
떡볶음 Rice-cake sauted with hot sauce
감자양파볶음 Potato and onion saute
감자피망볶음 Potato and green pepper saute
두부김치 Bean-curd and Kimchi
감자채당근볶음 Sliced potato and carrot saute
감자채볶음 Sliced potato saute
떡잡채 Mixed noodle with rice-cake
당면양념볶음 Seasoning Chinese noodle saute
두부두루치기 Bean-curd and vegetable saute
궁중떡볶이 Royal court style rice-cake saute
참치떡볶음 Tuna and rice-cake saute
떡튀김/케찹 Fried rice-cake / ketchup
두부튀김양념장 Fried bean-curd with soy sauce
밥강정 Fried rice coated with starch syrup
토란크로켓 Taro croquettes
두부구이 Broiled bean-curd
두부계란지짐 Panfried bean-curd with egg
두부오믈렛 Bean-curd omelet
조기구이 Broiled yellow croaker(Cho-gi)
녹두빈대떡 Mung-bean pancake
감자부침 Korean pancake with potato
풋고추장떡 Korean pancake with green pepper and hot sauce
콩빈대떡 Bean pancake
라이스야채전 Korean pancake with rice and vegetable
떡고기산적 Rice-cake and beef skewer
청포묵전 Pancake with green-pea jelly and red and green pepper
연근빈대떡 Korean pancake with mung beans and lotus roots
떡꼬지지짐 Panfried rice-cake on a skewer
완자전 Panfried meat balls
감자해물전 Korean pancake with seafood and potatoes
떡갈비찜 Smothered rice-cake and ribs
삶은 감자 Steamed potatoes
두부선 Cooked bean-curd
두부소고기찜 Smothered bean-curd and beef
밤찜 Smothered chestnuts
두부계란찜 Smothered bean-curd and egg
콩조림 Bean braised with soy sauce
두부조림 Bean-curd braised with soy sauce
감자조림 Potato braised with soy sauce
조림감자풋고추조림 Baby potatoes and green pepper braised with soy sauce
알감자조림 Baby potatoes braised with soy sauce
두부고추장조림 Bean-curd braised with hot sauce
강남콩조림 Kidney beans braised with soy sauce
두부엿장조림 Bean-curd braised with starch syrup and soy sauce
흰콩곤약조림 Bean and arum root jelly braised with soy sauce
떡산적 Rice-cake skewer
고구마조림 Sweet potato braised with soy sauce
콩나물무침 Seasoned bean sprouts
도토리묵무침 Acorn jelly seasoned with hot sauce
청포묵무침 Seasoned green-pea jelly
탕평채 Seasoned green-pea jelly and vegetable
도토리묵김치무침 Acorn jelly and Kimchi seasoned with hot sauce
연두부 Soft bean-curd
두부부추김치 Leek Kimchi and bean-curd
메밀묵무침 Buckwheat jelly seasoned with hot sauce
도토리묵돌나물무침 Acorn jelly and vegetable seasoned with hot sauce
비빔만두 Mixed dumpling with hot sauce
청포묵김가루무침 Green-pea jelly and seaweed(Kim) flakes seasoned with hot sauce
미역청포묵무침 Green-pea jelly and seaweed(Mi-Yok) seasoned with hot sauce
밥식혜 Fermented rice and pollack
식혜 Sweet punch with rice
수정과 Korean style cinnamon punch
고구마찜 Smothered sweet potato
옥수수 Corns
식혜(캔) Sweet punch with rice (canned food)
호이호떡 Honey pancake
누룽지 Scorched rice
영양찐빵 Steamed bread
고구마범벅 Sweet potato porridge
쌈장 Wrap sauce
두부쌈장 Wrap sauce with bean-curd
오징어볶음덮밥 Octopus (O-jing-o) saute over rice
낙지볶음덮밥 Octopus (Nak-ji) saute over rice
어묵비빔밥 Mixed rice with fish jelly
해물덮밥 Seafood over rice
해물잡채덮밥 Mixed noodle with seafood over rice
생굴두부덮밥 Raw oyster and bean-curd over rice
새우미나리죽 Shrimp and dropwort gruel
해물김치볶음밥 Seafood and Kimchi pilaf
참치김치볶음밥 Tuna and Kimchi pilaf
주먹김밥 Riceball kim-bob
쭈꾸미덮밥 Octopus (Zoo-gu-mi) saute over rice
오징어김치볶음밥 Octopus(O-jing-o) and Kimchi pilaf
버섯굴죽 Mushroom and oyster gruel
참치야채비빔밥 Mixed rice with tuna and vegetables
굴야채비빔밥 Mixed rice with oyster and vegetables
멸치죽 Anchovy gruel
야채해물밥/겨자소스모듬쌈 Steamed rice with vegetables and seafood/Mustard sauce
참치김치김밥 Tuna and Kimchi kim-bob
쭈꾸미생야채비빔밥 Mixed rice with octopus (Zoo-gu-mi) and vegetables
홍어회냉면 Cold noodle and raw skate seasoned with hot sauce
낙지볶음면 Noodle with octopus (Nak-ji) saute
오징어볶음국수 Noodle with octopus (O-jing-o) saute
오징어김치볶음국수 octopus(O-jing-o) and Kimchi saute with noodle
어묵된장국수 Fish jelly and noodle with soybean soup
한치비빔국수 Mixed noodle with octopus(Han-chi)
볶음해물라면 Instant noodle with seafood saute
오징어쟁반국수 Noodle tray with octopus(O-jing-o)
함흥회냉면 Ham-heung style cold noodle with sliced fish
해물수제비 Seafood soup with dough flakes
만가닥홍어회비빔국수 Mixed noodle with mushroom and skate
낙지칼국수 handmade noodle with octopus(Nak-ji)
오징어라면볶음 octopus(O-jing-o) and instant noodle saute
오징어회비빔국수 Mixed noodle with raw octopus(O-jing-o) and vinegared hot sauce
북어채국(대) Dried pollack soup(large)
대하국(대) Shrimp soup(large)
굴국(대) Oyster soup(large)
연북어무국(대) Pollack and radish soup(large)
오징어무국(대) octopus(O-jing-o) and radish soup(large)
건새우아욱국(대) Dried shrimp and mallow soup(large)
홍합무국(대) Hard-shell (Hong-hap) and radish soup(large)
재치왜된장국 Japanese soybean soup with shellfish
조개된장국(대) Shellfish soybean soup(large)
조개된장국(중) Shellfish soybean soup(medium)
조갯살아욱국 Shellfish and mallow soup
북어해장국(대) Pollack soup to chase a hangover(large)
오징어된장국(대) octopus(O-jing-o) soybean soup(large)
재치미역국(대) Shellfish and seaweed(Mi-Yok) soup(large)
북어채국(중) Dried pollack soup(medium)
북어해장국(중) Pollack soup to chase a hangover(medium)
해물매운국(중) Seafood hot soup(medium)
오징어된장국(중) Octopus(O-jing-o) soybean soup(medium)
연북어무국(중) Pollack and radish soup(medium)
미역해래기국(중) Seaweed(Mi-Yok) and clam soup(medium)
건새우아욱국(중) Dried shrimp and mallow soup(medium)
오징어무국(중) Octopus(O-jing-o) and radish soup(medium)
대하국(중) Large shrimp soup(medium)
굴국(중) Oyster soup(medium)
우렁된장국 Mud snail soybean soup
만데기된장국 Man-de-gi soybean soup
우렁이해장국 Mud snail soup to chase a hangover
굴북어국 Oyster and pollack soup
북어채육개장 Spicy beef and pollack soup
북어채우거지국 Pollack and cabbage soup
하동재첩국 Ha-dong shellfish soup
가자미미역국 Flatfish(Ga-za-mi)and seaweed(Mi-yok) soup
올갱이순두부국 Uncurdled bean-curd soup
바지락무국 Short-necked clam and radish soup
동태포계란국 Sliced pollack and egg soup
홍합살미역국 Hard-shell and seaweed(Mi-yok) soup
대구살미역국 Codfish and seaweed(Mi-yok) soup
모시조개된장국 Clam soybean soup
바지락된장국 Short-necked clam soybean soup
아욱조갯살국 Mallow shellfish soup
미더덕콩나물국 Seafood (Mi-the-duk) and bean sprouts soup
콩나물북어국 Bean sprouts and dried pollack soup
장어해장국 Eel soup to chase a hangover
굴냉국 Oyster cold soup
새알미역국 seaweed(Mi-yok) soup with rice balls
오징어무찌개(대) octopus(O-jing-o) and radish stew (large)
새우호박찌개(대) Shrimp and zucchini stew (large)
꽁치통조림찌개(대) Canned mackerel pike stew (large)
해물섞어찌개(대) Mixed seafood stew (large)
낙지곱창전골(대) octopus(Nak-ji) and intestine casserole (large)
참치찌개(대) Tuna stew (large)
참치김치찌개(대) Tuna and Kimchi stew (large)
참치감자찌개 Tuna and potato stew
오징어무찌개 octopus(O-jing-o) and radish stew
새우호박오가리찌개 Shrimp and dried zucchini stew
어묵전골(대) Fish jelly casserole (large)
참치찌개(중) Tuna stew (medium)
어묵전골(중) Fish jelly casserole (medium)
해물섞어찌개(중) Mixed seafood stew (medium)
낙지곱창전골(중) octopus(Nak-ji) and intestine casserole (medium)
오징어무찌개(중) octopus(O-jing-o) and radish stew (medium)
꽁치통조림찌개(중) Canned mackerel pike stew (medium)
새우호박찌개(중) Shrimp and zucchini stew (medium)
참치김치찌개(중) Tuna and Kimchi stew (medium)
순두부명란젓찌개 Uncurdled bean-curd and salted pollack egg stew
청어된장찌개 Herring(Chung-o) stew with soy bean paste
두부명란젓찌개 Bean-curd and salted pollack egg stew
오징어당면전골 octopus(O-jing-o) and Chinese noodle casserole
조개콩나물된장찌개 Clam and bean sprout soybean stew
아구매운탕(대) Angler(A-gu)pepper pot soup(large)
꽃게탕(대) Crab soup(large)
우럭매운탕(대) U-ruk pepper pot soup(large)
동태매운탕(대) Frozen pollack pepper pot soup(large)
대구매운탕(대) Codfish pepper pot soup(large)
추어탕 Loach soup
장대매운탕 Jang-dae pepper pot soup
생태매운탕 Pollack pepper pot soup
동태매운탕(소) Frozen pollack pepper pot soup(minior)
해물잡탕(대) Mixed seafood soup(large)
민어매운탕 Croaker pepper pot soup
해물당면탕(대) Seafood and Chinese noodle soup(large)
장어탕 Eel soup
홍대낙새탕 Skate, codfish, octopus(Nak-ji) and shrimp soup
조기꽃게탕 Yellow croaker (Cho-gi) and crab soup
오징어두부매운탕 octopus(O-jing-o) and bean-curd pepper pot soup
동태매운탕(중) Frozen Pollack pepper pot soup(medium)
해물잡탕(중) Mixed seafoods soup(large)
해물당면탕(중) Seafood and Chinese noodle soup(medium)
우럭매운탕(중) U-ruk pepper pot soup (medium)
대구매운탕(중) Codfish pepper pot soup(medium)
알탕(중) Fish egg soup(medium)
꽃게탕(중) Crab soup(medium)
고등어추어탕 Loach soup with mackerel
참치매운탕 Tuna pepper pot soup
수제비적어매운탕 Redfish pepper pot soup with dough flakes
조개탕 Shell soup
참치추어탕 Loach soup with tuna
꽃게민어매운탕 Crab and croaker(Min-o) pepper pot soup
새우해물탕 Shrimp and seafood pepper pot soup
묵사발 Anchovy soup with acorn jelly and Kimchi
콩비지게탕 Bean-curd dregs and crab soup
메기매운탕 Catfish pepper pot soup
연북어매운탕 Dried pollack pepper pot soup
생새우탕 Shrimp soup
버섯해물탕 Mushroom and seafood soup
대구내장탕 Codfish intestine soup
미역곰탕 Beef stock soup with seaweed(Mi-yok)
낙지볶음 Octopus(Nak-ji) saute with hot sauce
오징어볶음 Octopus(O-jing-o) saute with hot sauce
멸치볶음 Anchovy saute
어묵감자볶음 Fish jelly and potato saute
어묵야채볶음 Fish jelly and vegetable saute
오징어채볶음 Dried octopus(O-jing-o) saute
완자어묵풋고추볶음 Meat ball, fish jelly and green pepper saute
맛살볶음 Fake crab meat saute
어묵양파볶음 Fish jelly and onion saute
어묵볶음 Fish jelly saute
맛살야채볶음 Fake crab meat and vegetable saute
쭈꾸미볶음 Octopus (Zoo-gu-mi) sauted with hot sauce
어묵케찹볶음 Fish jelly sauted with ketchup
오징어귀어채볶음 Dried octopus(O-jing-o) saute
오징어잡채 Mixed noodle with octopus(O-jing-o)
갑오징어김치볶음 Shell-octopus(O-jing-o) and Kimchi saute
장어야채볶음 Eel and vegetable saute
멍게잡채 Mixed noodle with ascidian (Mung-gae)
대구야채볶음 Codfish and vegetable saute
미역줄기느타리볶음 seaweed(Mi-Yok) and mushroom saute
뱅어포파래볶음 Dried whitebait and green laver saute
새우살볶음 Shrimp meat saute
홍합야채볶음 Hard-shell (Hong-hap) and vegetable saute
북어채불고기 Barbecued sliced pollack (Book-o-chae)
건새우마늘쫑볶음 Dried shrimp and garlic sprout saute
건새우양배추볶음 Dried shrimp and western cabbage saute
맛살느타리볶음 Fake crab meat and mushroom saute
생조갯살볶음 Shucked shellfish saute
참치야채볶음 Tuna and vegetable saute
참치김치볶음 Tuna and Kimchi saute
호박홍합볶음 Zucchini and hard-shell mussel(Hong-hap)saute
부들어묵볶음 Fish jelly saute
실치고추장볶음 Anchovy saute with hot sauce
동태살야채볶음(깐소동태) Frozen pollack and vegetable saute
이면수튀김 Fried I-myoun-su fish
병어튀김 Fried harvest fish
갈치튀김 Fried hair-tail(Cal-chi)
고등어자반튀김 Fried salted mackerel(Go-deung-o)
가자미튀김 Fried flatfish(Ga-za-mi)
청어튀김 Fried herring
보리멸튀김 Fried Bori-myoul fish
삼치튀김 Fried Spanish mackerel(Sam-chi)
노가리튀김 Fried young pollack(No-ga-ri)
꽁치튀김 Fried mackerel pike
오징어탕수 Sweet and sour octopus(O-jing-o)
생선남방초 Fried fish served with vinegared soy sauce
오징어야채튀김 Fried octopus(O-jing-o) and vegetables
연북어튀김 Fried pollack
아지튀김 Fried (A-ji) fish
오징어강정 octopus(O-jing-o) coated with millet jelly and soy sauce
전갱이깻잎튀김 Fried fish(Jeon-gang-i)with sesame leaves
생굴튀김 Fried oyster
연북어양념강정 Dried pollack coated with millet jelly and soy sauce
이면수튀김/야채소스 Fried I-myoun-su fish / vegetable sauce
고등어겨자튀김 Fried mackerel(Go-deung-o) with mustard
참치채소튀김 Fried vegetable with tuna
참치옥수수장떡 Korean pancake with tuna and corn
뱅어포양념구이 Dried whitebait broiled with hot sauce
장어구이 Broiled eel
전어구이 Broiled herring(Jeon-o)
갈치구이 Broiled hair-tail(Cal-chi)
꽁치양념구이 Broiled mackerel pike with soy sauce
청어구이 Broiled herring
가자미구이 Broiled flatfish(Ga-za-mi)
방어구이 Broiled yellowtail(Bang-o)
연북어구이 Broiled dried pollack
도미양념구이 Broiled sea bream with soy sauce
삼치불고기 Barbecued mackerel(Sam-chi)
아지양념구이 Broiled A-ji with soy sauce
병어구이 Broiled harvest fish(Byung -o)
꽁치구이 Broiled mackerel pike
건아지구이 Broiled dried A-ji
고등어된장구이 Broiled mackerel (Go-deung-o)with soybean sauce
적어구이 Broiled redfish
조기구이 Broiled yellow croaker
조기양념구이 Broiled yellow croaker with soy sauce
양머리양념구이 Broiled yangmu-ri with soy sauce
도미양념구이 Broiled sea bream (Do-mi) with soy sauce
참치양념구이 Broiled tuna with soy sauce
민어양념구이 Broiled croaker(Min-o) with soy sauce
진미채전 Korean pancake with dried octopus(Jin-mee-chae)
동태전 Panfried pollack
새우전 Panfried shrimp
참치전 Panfried tuna
해물파전 Korean pancake with seafood and green onion
해물카레전 Korean pancake with seafood and curry
어묵전 Panfried fish jelly
물오징어전 Panfried octopus(O-jing-o)
꽁치전 Panfried mackerel pike
오징어된장전 Octopus(O-jing-o) pancake seasoned with soybean sauce
맛살전 Panfried fake crab meat
굴전 Panfried oysters
맛살실파꼬지 Fake crab meat and green onion skewer
참치살피망전 Korean pancake with tuna and green pepper
해물부추전 Korean pancake with seafood and leek
김계란말이 Rolled egg with seaweed(Kim)
만가닥해물전 Korean pancake with mushroom(Man-ga-dak)and seafood
어묵야채전 Korean pancake with fish jelly and vegetable
꽁치찜 Smothered mackerel pike
명란젓찜 Smothered salted pollack egg
아구찜 Smothered angler
오징어순대 Korean style octopus(O-jing-o) sausage
연북어찜 Smothered dried pollack
홍합찜 Smothered hard-shell (Hong-hap)
어묵쇠고기찜 Smothered fish jelly and beef
대구뽈찜 Smothered codfish
동태살찜 Smothered frozen pollack meat
염고등어찜 Smothered salted mackerel(Go-deung-o)
바지락야채찜 Smothered short-necked clam and vegetable
멸치고추조림 Anchovy and pepper braised with soy sauce
삼치조림 Spanish mackerel(Sam-chi)braised with soy sauce
마른조갯살조림 Dried shucked shelfish braised with soy sauce
건새우조림 Dried shrimp braised with soy sauce
가자미조림 Flatfish braised with soy sauce
갈치조림 Hair-tail(CaI-chi)braised with soy sauce
꽁치조림 Mackerel pike braised with soy sauce
병어조림 Harvest fish(Byung-o) braised with soy sauce
이면수조림 I-myoun-su braised with soy sauce
정어리조림 Sardine (Cheong-o-ri) braised with soy sauce
연북어무조림 Dried pollack and radish braised with soy sauce
멸치계란조림 Anchovy and cooked egg braised with soy sauce
소라조림 Trumpet shell braised with soy sauce
노가리무조림 Young mackerel(No-ga-ri)and radish braised with soy sauce
적어조림 Redfish braised with soy sauce
갈치포조림 Dried hair-tai(Cal-chi) braised with soy sauce
오징어포고추조림 Dried octopus(O-jing-o) and pepper braised with soy sauce
건골뚜기조림 Dried baby octopus(Nak-ji) braised with soy sauce
참치조림 Tuna braised with soy sauce
건새우무조림 Dried shrimp and radish braised with soy sauce
양미리조림 Yang-mi-ri braised with soy sauce
고등어자반조림 Salted mackerel(Go-deung-o) braised with soy sauce
어묵고추조림 Fish jelly and pepper braised with soy sauce
도미조림 Bream braised with soy sauce
고등어조림 Mackerel(Go-deung-o) braised with soy sauce
조기조림 Yellow croaker braised with soy sauce
오징어장조림 octopus(O-jing-o) braised soy sauce
홍합고추조림 Hard-shell(Hang-hap) and pepper braised with soy sauce
오징어풋고추조림 octopus(O-jing-o) and green pepper braised with soy sauce
꽁치감자조림 Mackerel pike and potato braised with soy sauce
방게조림 Small crab (Bang-gae) braised with soy sauce
오징어무조림 octopus(O-jing-o) and radish braised with soy sauce
청어조림 Herring braised with soy sauce
아지조림 A-ji braised with soy sauce
꽁치깻잎조림 Mackerel pike and sesame leaves braised with soy sauce
대구조림 Codfish braised with soy sauce
땅콩잔멸치조림 Peanut and anchovy braised with soy sauce
아지김치조림 A-ji and Kimchi braised with soy sauce
쥐포조림 Dried filefish braised with soy sauce
갈치포조림 Dried hair-tail (Cal-chi) braised with soy sauce
통오징어풋고추조림 Whole octopus(O-jing-o) and green pepper braised with soy sauce
동태조림 Frozen pollack braised with soy sauce
보리새우무조림 Shrimp and radish braised with soy sauce
양미리조림 Yang-mi-ri braised with soy sauce
참치두부조림 Tuna and bean-curd braised with soy sauce
민어조림 Croaker(Min-o) braised with soy sauce
오징어말이조림 Rolled octopus(O-jing-o) braised with soy sauce
고등어케찹조림 Mackerel(Go-deung-o) braised with ketchup
어묵완자고추장조림 Fish jelly ball braised with hot sauce
반건장어조림 Half dried eel braised with soy sauce
대구채무침 Sliced codfish seasoned with hot sauce
생굴/초고추장 Raw oyster / Vinegared hot sauce
굴실파무침 Oyster and green onion seasoned with hot sauce
오징어젓무침 Salted octopus(O-jing-o) seasoned with hot sauce
갑오징어무침 Shell-octopus(Gab-O-jing-o) seasoned with hot sauce
오징어무침 octopus(O-jing-o) seasoned with hot sauce
조개젓무침 Salted clam seasoned with hot sauce
꼴두기젓무침 Salted baby octopus(Nak-ji) seasoned with hot sauce
쥐어채무침 Dried sliced octopus seasoned with hot sauce
어리굴젓무침 Salted baby oyster seasoned with hot sauce
굴무생채 Oyster and radish salad with hot sauce
소라오이초채 Trumpet shell and cucumber seasoned with vinegar
명란젓무침 Salted mackerel egg seasoned with hot sauce
꼬막무침 Shellfish seasoned with hot sauce
노가리포무침 Dried young mackerel(No-ga-ri)seasoned with hot sauce
오징어숙회 Cooked octopus(O-jing-o) seasoned with hot sauce
멸치고추장조림 Anchovy braised with hot sauce
골뱅이무침 Trumpet shell seasoned with hot sauce
우묵무침 Seaweed jelly seasoned with soy sauce
창란젓무침 Salted pollack guts seasoned with hot sauce
오징어오가리무침 Dried octopus(O-jing-o) seasoned with hot sauce
맛살오이초채 Fake crab meat and cucumber seasoned with vinegar
진미채무침 Dried sliced octopus(Jin-mee-chae) seasoned with hot sauce
어묵부추무침 Fish jelly and leek seasoned with hot sauce
골뱅이냉이무침 Trumpet shell and pickpurse seasoned with hot sauce
북어채무침 Dried pollack (Book-o-chae) seasoned with hot sauce
오징어도라지생채 Octopus(O-jing-o) and platycodon salad with hot sauce
해파리도라지무침 Jellyfish and platycodon seasoned with vinegared hot sauce
오징어발무무침 Octopus(O-jing-o) and radish seasoned with hot sauce
밴댕이젓무침 Salted pilchard seasoned with hot sauce
아가미젓무침 Salted fish gill seasoned with hot sauce
황석어젓무침 Salted yellow croaker seasoned with hot sauce
참치보쌈 Various vegetables with tuna wrap sauce
오징어콩나물무침 Octopus(O-jing-o) and bean sprouts seasoned with hot sauce
훈제오징어무침 Smoked octopus(O-jing-o) seasoned with hot sauce
생우살냉채 Raw shrimp (cold dish)
김멸치초무침 Seaweed(Kim) and anchovy seasoned with vinegar
문어살무침 Octopus(Moon-o) meat seasoned with hot sauce
진미채오이무침 Dried octopus(Jin-mee-chae) and cucumber seasoned with hot sauce
홍합무침회 Seasoned hard shells (Hong-hap)
미역레몬무침 Seaweed(Mi-yok) seasoned with lemon
꽃게장 Salted crab
미역맛살무침 Seaweed(Mi-yok) and fake crab meat seasoned with hot sauce
오징어젓무말랭이무침 Salted octopus(O-jing-o) and dried radish seasoned with hot sauce
물미역초고추장 Fresh seaweed(Mi-Yok) with vinegared hot sauce
명엽채 무침 Sliced octopus (Myung-yeob-chae) seasoned with hot sauce
참치보쌈 Tuna wrap
취나물오징어무침 Wild veggie and octopus(O-jing-o) seasoned with hot sauce
진미무침 Dried octopus(Jin-mee-chae) seasoned with hot sauce
다시마회 Raw tangle with vinegared hot sauce
대구아가미젓무침 Salted gill of codfish seasoned with hot sauce
갑오징어냉채 Cold cooked octopus(Gab-O-jing-o) dish
조갯살호박나물 Clam and zucchini vegetable dish
닭고기비빔밥 Mixed rice with chicken
제육볶음덮밥 Pork saute over rice
불낙덮밥 Beef and octopus(Nak-ji) over rice
닭죽 Chicken gruel
불고기덮밥 Barbecued beef over rice
장국덮밥 Rice in beef soup
장국죽 Beef soup with rice gruel
장국죽(2) Beef soup with rice gruel (2)
돈육비빔덮밥 Pork saute over rice
닭안심덮밥 Chicken breast over rice
닭온밥 Rice in chicken and vegetable soup
쇠고기죽 Beef gruel
쇠고기감자덮밥 Beef and potato over rice
한방닭죽 Han-bang chicken gruel
닭콩나물비빔밥 Mixed rice with chicken and bean sprouts
보리비빔밥 Mixed barely
야채건강비빔밥(2) Healthy rice mixed with vegetables
햄비빔밥 Mixed rice with ham
불고기생채비빔밥 Mixed rice with barbecued beef and fresh vegetables
보리콩나물밥 Steamed barely with bean sprouts
온반 Rice in beef soup with garnish (beef,bean-curd,mushroom,egg)
만가닥불고기볶음밥 Mushroom and barbecued beef pilaf
해주비빔밥 Hae-joo style mixed rice
쇠고기감자덮밥(2) Beef and potato over rice (2)
고추장불고기 Barbecued beef with hot sauce
닭칼국수 handmade noodle with chicken
손만두국 handmade dumpling soup
사천식냉면 Chinese style cold buckwheat noodle
쇠고기무국(대) Beef and radish soup (large)
계란파국(대) Egg soup with green onion (large)
해장국(대) Soup to chase a hangover (large)
육개장(대) Spicy beef soup (large)
곱창국 Intestines soup
곰국(대) Beef stock soup (large)
선지내장국(대) Sun-ji and intestines soup (large)
쇠고기실파국(대) Beef soup with green onion (large)
닭고기국(대) Chicken soup (large)
쇠고기미역국(대) Seaweed(Mi-Yok) soup with beef (large)
선지국(대) Sun-ji soup (large)
닭개장 (대) Spicy chicken soup (large)
따로국(대) Spicy soup (large)
사골우거지국(대) Beef stock soup with cabbage (large)
순대국(대) Korean sausage soup (large)
닭고기미역국(대) seaweed(Mi-Yok) soup with chicken (large)
쇠고기두부토장국(대) Beef and bean-curd soybean paste soup (large)
백숙 Chicken stew
쇠고기미역국(2) seaweed(Mi-Yok) soup with beef(2)
사골우거지국(중) Beef stock soup with cabbage (medium)
선지국(중) Sun-ji soup (medium)
닭고기미역국(중) seaweed(Mi-Yok) soup with chicken (medium)
따로국(중) Spicy soup (medium)
순대국(중) Korean sausage soup (medium)
당면곱창국 Chinese noodle and intestines soup
해장국(중) Soup to chase a hangover (medium)
선지내장국(중) Sun-ji and intestines soup (medium)
쇠고기실파국(중) Beef soup with green onion (medium)
닭고기국(중) Chicken soup (medium)
곰국(중) Beef stock soup (medium)
계란파국(중) Egg soup with green onion (medium)
만두육개장 Spicy dumpling soup
쇠고기미나리국 Beef and dropwort soup
사골당면국 Beef stock soup with Chinese noodle
쇠고기감자국 Beef and potato soup
팽이육개장 Spicy mushroom soup
시래기해장국 Soup to chase a hangover with dried cabbage
돼지곰국 Pork stock soup
쇠고기굴국 Beef and oyster soup
유부만두국 Fried bean-curd and dumpling soup
돼지국밥 Pork soup with rice
곱창전골(대) Intestines casserole (large)
돈육김치찌개(대) Kimchi stew with pork (large)
소시지찌개(대) Sausage stew (large)
쇠고기두부찌개(대) Beef and bean-curd stew (large)
햄김치지개(대) Kimchi stew with ham (large)
햄섞어찌개(대) Mixed ham stew (large)
쇠고기전골(대) Beef casserole (large)
불낙전골(대) Beef and octopus(Nak-ji) casserole (large)
돈육김치찌개(중) Kimchi stew with pork (medium)
햄김치찌개(중) Kimchi stew with ham (medium)
닭개장(중) Spicy chicken soup (medium)
햄섞어찌개(중) Mixed ham stew (medium)
육개장(중) Spicy beef soup (medium)
불낙전골(중) Beef and octopus(Nak-ji) casserole (medium)
곱창전골(중) Intestines casserole (medium)
쇠고기전골(중) Beef casserole (medium)
쇠고기두부찌개(중) Beef and bean-curd stew (medium)
소시지찌개(중) Sausage stew (medium)
베이컨고추장전골 Bacon casserole with hot sauce
마카로니곱창전골 Macaroni and intestines casserole
삼겹살감자찌개 Pork and potato stew
갈비낙지찌개 Rib and octopus(Nak-ji) stew
삼겹살김치전골 Pork and Kimchi casserole
돈육두부찌개 Pork and bean-curd stew
닭곰탕(대) Chicken stock soup (large)
설렁탕(대) Beef noodle soup (large)
갈비탕 Rib soup
쵸교탕 Beef and chicken soup with vegetables
달걀탕(대) Egg flower soup (large)
곰탕(대) Beef stock soup (large)
삼계탕 Chicken soup with ginseng
족탕 Pork hock soup
육수 Meat stock
내장탕(대) Intestines soup (large)
도가니탕(대) Ox knee bone soup (large)
양지탕 Beef brisket soup
스지탕(대) Beef soup (large)
육각영양탕 Special beef soup
꼬리곰탕(대) Beef tail stock soup (large)
된장곰탕 Beef stock soup with soybean paste
곰탕(중) Beef stock soup (medium)
설렁탕(중) Beef noodle soup (medium)
반계탕 Half-chicken soup with ginseng
내장탕(중) Intestines soup (medium)
달걀탕(중) Egg flower soup (medium)
꼬리곰탕(중) Beef tail stock soup (medium)
닭곰탕(2) Chicken stock soup (2)
도가니탕(중) Ox knee bone soup (medium)
스지탕(중) Beef soup (medium)
돼지갈비감자탕 Pork rib and potato soup
돼지갈비비지탕 Pork rib and bean-curd dregs soup
쇠고기팽이버섯탕 Beef and mushroom soup
삼갈비탕 Rib soup with ginseng
제주도식갈비탕 Che-ju-do style rib soup
닭새우젓탕 Chicken soup with salted shrimp
황볶이탕 Roasted beef,radish,bean sprouts soup seasoned with soy sauce
(특)설렁탕 (Special) Beef noodle soup
한방삼계탕 Han-bang chicken soup with ginseng
쑥갈비탕 Rib soup with mugwort
호박고지들깨탕 Dried zucchini soup with wild sesame
만가닥버섯탕 Mushroom soup
한방영양곰탕 Han-bang beef stock soup
닭고기매운곰탕 Spicy chicken stock soup
만가닥영양갈비탕 Mushroom and rib soup
쇠고기감자탕 Beef and potato soup
제육볶음 Pork saute
비엔나소시지볶음 Sausage saute
햄야채볶음 Ham and vegetable saute
감자닭볶음 Potato and chicken saute
월과채 Assorted vegetable dish
쇠고기야채볶음 Beef and vegetable saute
소시지삼색볶음 Sausage and three vegetable saute
후랑크소시지볶음 Sausage saute
후랑크야채볶음 Sausage and vegetable saute
소시지어묵볶음 Sausage and fish jelly saute
소시지양배추볶음 Sausage and Western cabbage saute
소시지피망볶음 Sausage and green pepper saute
쇠고기무볶음 Beef and radish saute
햄피망볶음 Ham and green pepper saute
내장볶음 Intestines saute
허파볶음 Lungs saute
돈육불고기 Barbecued pork
비엔나야채볶음 Sausage and vegetable saute
비엔나김치볶음 Sausage and Kimchi saute
순대볶음 Korean sausage (Soon-dae) saute
간볶음 Liver saute
닭불고기 Barbecued chicken
쇠고기떡볶음 Beef and rice-cake saute
불고기 Barbecued beef (Bul-go-gi)
돈육부추볶음 Pork and leek saute
돈육고추장볶음 Spicy pork saute
제육깻잎볶음 Pork and sesame leaves saute
고구마닭볶음 Sweet potato and chicken saute
돼지갈비볶음 Pork ribs saute
닭안심볶음 Chicken breast saute
제육버섯볶음 Pork and mushroom saute
불고기무쌈 Barbecued beef wrapped with radish
삼겹살두루치기 Three-ply meat of pork saute
쇠고기피망볶음 Beef and green pepper saute
쇠고기볶음 Beef saute
쇠고기표고볶음 Beef and mushroom saute
쇠고기호박볶음 Beef and zucchini saute
닭고기된장보쌈 Chicken wrap with soybean paste
구절판 Nine foods tray
곱창김치볶음 Intestines and Kimchi saute
삼겹살김치볶음 Three-ply meat of pork and Kimchi saute
돈육배추볶음 Pork and cabbage saute
우불팽이버섯볶음 Barbecued beef with mushroom
낙지곱창볶음 octopus(Nak-ji) and intestines saute
곱창야채볶음 Intestines and vegetable saute
돈육마늘볶음 Pork and garlic saute
닭볶음 Chicken saute
호박베이컨볶음 Zucchini and bacon saute
모듬떡볶이(라볶이) Assorted rice-cake saute
가지돈육볶음 Eggplant and pork saute
달걀튀김 Fried boiled egg
계란후라이 Fried egg
탕수베지미트 Sweet and sour vegetables
돼지갈비강정 Fried pork ribs coated with starch syrup and soy sauce
후랑크튀김 Fried sausage
한식탕수육 Korean style sweet and sour pork
탕수육/인삼소스 Fried pork with ginseng sauce
쇠고기강정 Fried beef coated with starch syrup and soy sauce
계란말이 Rolled egg
돈육구이 Broiled pork
쇠고기구이 Broiled beef
갈비구이 Broiled ribs
삼겹살구이 Broiled three-ply meat of pork
족발바베큐 Barbecued pork hock
돈육된장구이 Broiled pork with soybean sauce
삼겹살고추장구이 Broiled three-ply meat of pork with hot sauce
매운계란말이 Spicy rolled egg
너비아니구이 Barbecued beef
장산적 Meat and vegetables on a skewer
닭꼬지 Chicken skewer
우민찌뱅어포구이 Broiled whitebait with ground beef
오리고기구이 Broiled duck
한식로스트비프 Korean style roasted beef
계란새우말이(완) Rolled egg with shrimp (ready prepared)
계란야채햄말이(완) Rolled egg with vegetable and ham (ready prepared)
계란야채말이(완) Rolled egg with vegetable (ready prepared)
계란말이(완) Rolled egg (ready prepared)
계란야채김말이(완) Rolled egg with vegetable and seaweed(Kim) (ready prepared)
계란야채새우말이(완) Rolled egg with vegetable and shrimp (ready prepared)
소시지전 Panfried sausages
간전 Panfried livers
두부돈전 Panfried bean-curd and pork
허파전 Panfried lungs
섭산적 Panfried ground meat
쇠고기표고전 Panfried mushroom (Pyo-go) stuffed with ground beef
닭안심전 Panfried chicken breast
햄계란말이 Rolled egg with ham
모듬전 Assorted pancakes
닭고기녹두전(완) Mung-bean pancake with chicken (ready prepared)
닭찜 Smothered chicken
어화찜 Smothered pollack rolls
제육편육 Sliced cooked pork
제육갈비찜 Smothered pork ribs
쇠고기찜 Smothered beef
소갈비찜 Smothered beef ribs
계란찜 Steamed egg
미더덕찜 Smothered seafood (Mi-the-duk)
편육 Sliced cooked pork
돈사태찜 Steamed pork shank
삶은메추리알 Boiled quail eggs
삶은계란 Boiled eggs
참치계란찜 Steamed egg with tuna
겨자편육쌈 Pork wrap with mustard
우설찜 Smothered beef tongue
명란알계란찜 Steamed egg with pollack egg
들깨닭찜 Smothered chicken with perilla seeds
경상도식찜갈비 Kyoung-sang-do style smothered ribs
계란흰자찜 Smothered egg white
삼사태찜 Smothered beef shank with ginseng
쇠고기콩나물찜 Smothered beef with bean sprouts
영양닭찜 Healthy smothered chicken
만두콩나물찜 Smothered dumpling with bean sprouts
건새우콩나물찜 Smothered shrimp with bean sprouts
궁중닭찜 Royal court style smothered chicken
한방갈비찜 Han-bang smothered beef ribs with ginseng and jujube
우사태찜 Smothered beef shank
양목찜 Smothered sheep neck
계란찜(스넥) Steamed egg (snack)
계란조림 Egg braised with soy sauce
돈육장조림 Pork braised with soy sauce
쇠고기감자조림 Beef and potato braised with soy sauce
소시지양파조림 Sausage and onion braised with soy sauce
닭고기감자조림 Chicken and potato braised with soy sauce
간조림 Liver braised with soy sauce
쇠고기장조림 Beef braised with soy sauce
쇠고기양파조림 Beef and onion braised with soy sauce
돈육계란조림 Pork and egg braised with soy sauce
쇠고기고추조림 Beef and green pepper braised with soy sauce
소시지어묵조림 Sausage and fish jelly braised with soy sauce
햄감자조림 Ham and potato braised with soy sauce
미트볼케찹조림 Meat ball braised with ketchup
소시지감자조림 Sausage and potato braised with soy sauce
닭강정 Fried chicken coated with millet jelly and soy sauce
돈육고추장강정 Fried pork coated with millet jelly and hot sauce
소시지밤조림 Sausage and chestnut braised with soy sauce
쇠고기우엉조림 Beef and burdock braised with soy sauce
삼겹살감자조림 Three-ply meat of pork and potato braised with soy sauce
돈육연근조림 Pork and lotus root braised with soy sauce
생강우육조림 Beef and sliced ginger braised with soy sauce
돈육무말랭이조림 Pork and dried radish braised with soy sauce
돈육강정 Fried pork coated with millet jelly and soy sauce
생강우육조림 Beef and sliced ginger braised with soy sauce
닭고기장조림 Chicken braised with soy sauce
닭연북어조림 Chicken and dried pollack braised with soy sauce
우사태껍질콩조림 Beef and husk-bean braised with soy sauce
돈육메추리알조림 Pork and quail eggs braised with soy sauce
닭다리조림 Chicken thigh braised with soy sauce
돈육감자조림 Pork and potatoes braised with soy sauce
쇠고기계란장조림 Beef and eggs braised with soy sauce
LA돈갈비조림 Pork ribs braised with soy sauce
만가닥장조림 Man-ga-dack mushroom braised with soy sauce
삼겹살무조림 Three-ply meat of pork and radish braised with soy sauce
닭고기연근조림 Chicken and lotus root braised with soy sauce
메추리알조림 Quail eggs braised with soy sauce
메추리알조림(완) Quail eggs braised with soy sauce (ready prepared)
메추리알어묵조림 Quail eggs and fish jelly braised with soy sauce
돈육보쌈 Cooked pork and vegetables served with wrap sauce
족채 Sliced cooked pork with mustard sauce
닭고기겨자채 Sliced cooked chicken with mustard sauce
수육겨자채 Sliced cooked pork with mustard sauce
수육무침 Sliced cooked pork seasoned with hot sauce
닭살고추장무침 Chicken meat seasoned with hot sauce
돈육냉채 Cooked pork with vegetables (cold dish)
닭살깨즙냉채 Cooked chicken with vegetables and sesame sauce (cold dish)
편육냉채 Boiled pork slice and vegetable seasoned with mustard sauce (cold dish)
우육보쌈 Boiled beef slice and vegetable with wrap sauce
제육된장무침 Pork seasoned with soybean sauce
우민찌오가리나물 Ground beef and dried zucchini vegetable dish
돈육우엉김치 Pork and burdock Kimchi
구이용소스 Sauce for roasting
비빔밥 Mixed rice with vegetables
김치볶음밥 Kimchi pilaf
열무김치비빔밥 Mixed rice with radish leaves Kimchi
전주비빔밥 Jeon - ju style mixed rice
김치볶음덮밥 Kimchi saute over rice
영양솥밥 Steamed rice with minced beef and vegetable
무밥 Steamed rice with radish
꽁보리비빔밥 Mixed barely with vegetables
열무김치꽁보리밥 Mixed barely with radish leaves Kimchi
노각비빔밥 Mixed rice with fried tangle
콩나물볶음밥 Bean sprouts pilaf
콩나물덮밥 Bean sprouts over rice
냉이비빔밥 Mixed rice with pickpurse
야채죽 Vegetable gruel
생야채비빔밥 Mixed rice with fresh vegetables
따로김밥 Kim-bob
된장덮밥 Steamed rice with vegetable seasoned with bean paste
산채볶음밥 Wild vegetable pilaf
참치김밥 Tuna kim-bob
김치비빔밥 Mixed rice with Kimchi
야채건강비빔밥 Healthy mixed rice with vegetables
충청도식비빔밥 Chung-chung do style mixed rice
어묵야채볶음밥 Fish jelly and vegetable pilaf
열무김치볶음밥 Radish leaves Kimchi pilaf
옥수수잡채덮밥 Mixed noodle with vegetables and corn over rice
인삼영양밥 Steamed rice with ginseng and vegetable
진주식비빔밥 Jin-ju style mixed rice
양송이김치덮밥 Mushroom and Kimchi saute over rice
속풀이 국밥 Soup to chase a hangover with rice
콩나물해장국밥 Bean sprouts soup to chase a hangover
흑임자죽 Black sesame gruel
애호박죽 Zucchini gruel
초미죽 Jujube gruel
율자죽 Chestnut gruel
호도죽 Walnut gruel
아욱죽 Mallow gruel
근대죽 Chard gruel
콩나물죽 Bean sprouts gruel
쇠고기아욱죽 Beef and mallow gruel
팽이버섯닭죽 Chicken gruel with mushroom
헛제사밥 Mixed rice with assorted vegetable for ceremonial rites
우거지지짐덮밥 Cabbage saute over rice
시금치두부비빔밥 Steamed rice mixed with spinach and bean-curd
만가닥영양밥 Steamed rice with mushroom
강된장돌나물비빔밥 Steamed rice mixed with vegetable and soybean paste
부추비빔밥 Mixed rice with leek
시래기주먹밥 Rice balls with dried radish leaves seasoned with bean paste
호박범벅 Pumpkin porridge
미나리죽 Dropwort gruel
고추장야채볶음밥 Vegetable pilaf with hot sauce
겉절이보리비빔밥 Steamed barley mixed with vegetable and hot sauce
버섯볶음밥 Mushroom pilaf
단호박볶음밥 Pumpkin pilaf
감자볶음밥 Potato pilaf
쌈밥 Wrapped rice
콩나물무밥 Steamed rice with bean sprouts and radish
검정깨밥 Steamed rice with black sesame
흑미더덕비빔밥 Steamed black rice with Codonopsis lanceolata (The-duk)
새송이덮밥 Mushroom over rice
호박죽(스넥) Pumpkin gruel(snack)
비빔밥(스넥) Rice mixed with vegetables (snack)
열무김치비빔밥(스넥) Rice mixed with radish leaves Kimchi(snack)
영양밥(스넥) Special steamed rice
삼색덮밥(스넥) Three vegetables over rice(snack)
김치볶음덮밥(스넥) Kimchi pilaf (snack)
김치수제비 Kimchi soup with dough flakes
열무비빔냉면 Noodle with radish leaves Kimchi
물미역비빔국수 Noodle mixed with seaweed(Mi-Yok) and hot sauce
동치미국수 Noodle with water radish kimchi
잡채국수 Mixed noodle with vegetables
표고비빔국수 Mixed noodle with mushroom
나박김치국수 Water Kimchi noodle
김치어묵볶음국수 Noodle with Kimchi and fish jelly saute
동치미막국수 Noodle with water radish kimchi
김치떡국 Kimchi rice-cake soup
잡채비빔국수 Noodle mixed with vegetables and hot sauce
팽이국수 Noodle with mushroom (Pang-i)
삼색수제비 Three colors of soup with dough flakes
그린수제비 Green soup with dough flakes
평양김치말이국수 Pyoung-yang style noodle with kimchi
쑥수제비 Soup with mugwort dough flakes
육장국수 Beef and noodle with soy sauce soup
만가닥버섯국수 Noodle with Man-ga-dack mushroom
모듬버섯떡국 Rice-cake soup with assorted mushrooms
아욱칼국수 Handmade noodle with mallow
얼큰한 버섯칼국수 Spicy handmade noodle with mushroom
만가닥쟁반국수 Noodle tray with mushroom
오이잣국수 Noodle with cucumber and pine nut
비빔냉칼국수 Cold noodle handmade
냉콩국수 Cold noodle with bean soup
나박김치물냉면 Cold noodle in water kimchi
북어수제비 Pollack soup with dough flakes
찬밥미역수제비 seaweed(Mi-Yok) soup with dough flakes and steamed rice
평양식왕만두국 Pyoung-yang style dumpling soup
된장콩수제비 Soybean soup with dough flakes
김치우동 Japanese noodle with Kimchi
별미라면 Special instant noodle
시금치조갯살국(대) Spinach soup with clam (large)
얼갈이국 Cabbage soup
근대국(대) Chard soup(large)
오이냉국 Cold soup with cucumber
애호박국(대) Zucchini soup(large)
미역냉국(대) Cold soup with seaweed(Mi-Yok) (large)
미역해래기국(대) seaweed(Mi-Yok) soup with clam(large)
미역오이냉국(대) Cold soup with seaweed(Mi-Yok) and cucumber (large)
배추국(대) Cabbage soup(large)
아욱국(대) Mallow soup(large)
양배추국(대) Western cabbage soup(large)
미역국(대) seaweed(Mi-Yok) soup(large)
호박잎된장국(대) Pumpkin leaves soybean soup (large)
느타리버섯국(대) Mushroom soup(large)
솎음배추국(대) Young cabbage soup(large)
가지냉국 Cold soup with eggplant
김치콩나물국(대) Kimchi and bean sprouts soup(large)
김치두부국(대) Kimchi and bean-curd soup(large)
냉이된장국(대) Pickpurse soybean soup(large)
우거지국(대) Cabbage leaves soup(large)
우묵냉국 Cold soup with seaweed jelly (Woo-mook)
무채국(대) Sliced radish soup(large)
무다시마국(대) Radish and tangle soup(large)
솎음배추조개국(대) Cabbage and clam soup(large)
산나물조개국 Wild vegetable and clam soup
시금치국 Spinach soup
원추리국 Day lily (Won-chew-ri) soup
토란국(대) Taro soup(large)
햇고사리국(대) Fernbrake soup(large)
호박두부된장국(대) Zucchini and bean -curd soybean soup(large)
열무된장국(대) Radish leaves soybean soup(large)
무채냉국 Cold soup with sliced radish
쑥왜된장국 Japanese soybean soup with mugwort
양배추두부국(대) Western cabbage and bean-curd soup(large)
오이지냉국 Cold soup with pickled cucumber
콩가루배추국(대) Cabbage soup with bean flour(large)
무새우젓국(대) Radish soup with salted shrimp(large)
시금치콩나물국(대) Spinach and bean sprout soup(large)
시래기국(대) Dried radish leaves soup(large)
호박조개살국(대) Zucchini and clam soup(large)
근대콩나물국(대) Chard and bean sprouts soup(large)
무채된장국 Sliced radish soup
김계란국(대) seaweed(Kim) and egg soup(large)
콩나물해장국(대) Bean sprouts soup to chase a hango
주먹밥구이 Baked rice balls
생선초밥 Vinegared rice balls topped with raw fish slice
야채샌드위치 Vegetable sandwich
참치샌드위치 Tuna sandwich
크로크무슈 Cheese and ham sandwich panfried with butter
타락죽 Milk gruel
들깨죽 Perilla seeds gruel
훈제족발 Smoked pork
훈제연어 Smoked salmon
해물냉채 Cold seafood dish
모듬묵 Assorted jelly
돈육보쌈 Pork and vegetable wrap
오이도라지무침 Cucumber and platycodon seasoned with hot sauce
골뱅이무침 Trumpet shell seasoned with hot sauce
해파리겨자채 Jellyfish(Hae-pa-ri)seasoned with mustard sauce
마른안주 Dried snack for alcohol drinks
삼색나물 Three vegetables dish
석화 Oyster
모듬회 Assorted slices of raw fish (Sa-shi-mi)
눌린머리고기 Pressed cooked pork head
햄치즈말이 Rolled ham and cheese
햄야채말이 Rolled ham and vegetables
홍어회 Slice of raw Skate
모듬숙회 Assorted cooked fish
비빔초밥 Mixed vegetable with vinegared rice
새우필라프 Shrimp pilaff
크래커샌드위치 Cracker sandwich
생선스프 Fish soup
오이스터필라프 Oyster pilaff
맛조개양념구이 Broiled seasoning shellfish
어묵순대 Fish jelly sausage(Soon-dae)
다시마오징어조림 Tangle and octopus(O-jing-o) braised with soy sauce
꽂이오이되브르 Broiled shrimp and vegetable on a skewer
굴칵테일 Oyster cocktail
캐비어오르되브르 Cookies with caviar
콩소메스프 Soup with vegetables and meat
바나나튀김 Fried banana wrapped with pork
포크파이 Pork pie
햄채소말이 Rolled ham and vegetable
스크램블에그샐러드 Scrambled egg salad
밤비노 Baked cracker with ketchup and cheese
새우식빵까나페 Fried bread with chopped shirmp
샐러드소면 Salad with thin noodle
모듬생소면 Assorted noodles
바나나튀김(연회) Fried banana wrapped with pork (catering)
오이보트샐러드 Cucumber salad
감자달걀샐러드 Potato and egg salad
바스켓샐러드 Basket salad
감자스틱샐러드 Potato stick salad
심플감자샐러드 Simple potato salad
잡채밥 Mixed noodle with rice
짜장덮밥 Black bean sauce over rice
새우볶음밥 Shrimp pilaff
소고기볶음밥 Beef pilaff
잡탕밥 Seafood and vegetable over rice
마파두부덮밥 Spicy bean-curd with ground beef over steamed rice
울면 Chinese style hot noodle
튀김만두 Fried dumpling
짜장면 Black soybean sauce with noodle
튀김만두 Fried dumpling
게살연두부탕 Crab meat and soft bean-curd soup
풋고추잡채 Mixed noodle with green pepper
콩나물표고잡채 Mixed noodle with bean sprouts and mushroom
양장피잡채 Assorted hot and cold dish with mustard
팽이버섯잡채 Mixed noodle with mushroom
짜장떡볶음 Rice-cake sauted with black bean sauce
만두탕수 Sweet and sour dumpling
두부튀김양념 Fried bean-curd seasoned with soy sauce
두부탕수 Sweet and sour bean-curd
감자탕수 Sweet and sour potatoes
짜장만두 Dumpling with black bean sauce
만두지짐 Panfried dumpilng
두부샌드 Bean-curd sandwich
마파두부 - Spicy bean-curd with ground beef
중국식두부조림 Chinese style braised bean-curd
곤약잡채 Mixed noodle with arum root jelly
두부냉채 Cold bean-curd dish
유산슬밥 Mixed rice braised with pork and various seafoods
짬뽕밥 Hot pepper soup with rice
해물볶음밥 Seafood pilaf
스슬면 Thick noodle soup with cuttlefish and vegetables
해물초면 Noodle with seafood
짬뽕 Soup with beef,vegetables and hot red pepper
삼선간짜장 Noodle with three kinds of seafoods and black bean sauce
짬뽕수제비 Soup with dough flakes and hot red pepper
삼선차면 Cold noodle with three kinds of seafoods
해물매운국 Hot soup with seafoods
삼선만두국 Dumpilng soup with three kinds of seafoods
게살스프 Fake crab meat soup
새소라송이볶음 Trumpet shell and mushroom saute
어묵짜장볶음 Fish jelly with black bean sauce saute
전갱이피망볶음 Horse mackerel and green pepper saute
대구살볶음 Codfish meat saute
깐풍어 Garlic flavored fried fish
새우깐풍완자 Garlic flavored shrimp ball
맛살튀김 Fried fake crab meat
오징어깐풍 Garlic flavored octopus(O-jing-o)
고등어자반깐풍 Garlic flavored salted mackerel(Go-deung-o)
생선탕수 Sweet and sour fish
어묵탕수 Sweet and sour fish jelly
새우튀김겨자냉채 Fried shrimp with mustard sauce (cold dish)
겐치니 Fried octopus(O-jing-o) and shrimp braised with ketchup
새우후라이탕수 Sweet and sour shrimps
맛살탕수 Fake crab meat with sweet and sour sauce
적어탕수 Redfish with sweet and sour sauce
누룽지탕수 Scorched-rice with sweet and sour sauce
해물짜장스테이크 Seafood steak with black bean sauce
중하찜 Smothered middle size shrimp
중국식생선찜 Chinese style smothered fish
새우케찹조림 Shrimp braised with ketchup
꽁치튀김조림 Fried mackerel pike braised with soy sauce
오징어완자조림 Ground octopus(O-jing-o) balls braised with soy sauce
중국식전갱이조림 Chinese style braised horse mackerel (Jeon-gang-i)
사천식냉면 Chinese style cold noodle
중국식스파게티 Chinese style spaghetti
중화장국수 Chinese noodle with soy sauce
달걀부추볶음 Egg and leek saute
햄잡채 Mixed noodle with ham
소고기샐러리볶음 Beef and celery saute
소고기느타리볶음 Beef and mushroom saute
궁보육정 Fried pork with hot and thick sauce
팔보채 Assorted seafoods and vegetables saute
돈육청경채볶음 Pork and vegetables saute
소고기두부볶음 Beef and bean-curd saute
닭고기채소볶음 Chicken and vegetable saute
소고기짜장볶음 Beef sauted with black bean sauce
소고기청경채볶음 Beef and vegetables saute
상하이식돈육불고기 Shanghai style barbecued pork
탕수육 Sweet and sour pork
난자완스 Braised ground beef balls
깐풍기 Garlic flavored fried chicken
쇠고기탕수육 Sweet and sour beef
탕수기 Sweet and sour chicken
소고기간장탕수육 Fried pork with sweet and soy sauce
과일탕수육 Fried pork with fruits and sweet and sour sauce
사천탕수육 Fried pork with Sachuan style sweet and sour sauce
수삼탕수기 Fried chicken and ginseng with sweet and sour sauce
연근탕수기 Fried chicken and lotus roots with sweet and sour sauce
장어탕수 Fried eel with sweet and sour sauce
옥수수맛탕 Fried corn coated with starch syrup
중국식닭튀김 Chinese style fried chicken
베이징식폭찹 Beijing style pork chop
통후추스테이크 Steak with whole pepper
중화소스/돈육냉채 Sliced cold pork / chinese sauce
찐만두 Steamed dumpling
탕수완자 Ground beef balls with sweet and sour sauce
소고기전병장국조림 Beef pancake braised with soy sauce and vegetable soup
닭날개조림 Chicken wings braised with soy sauce
중국식냉채 Chinese style sliced cold vegetables
곤약무침 Arum root jelly seasoned with soy sauce
방방지 Boiled chicken breast with black soy bean sauce
송이덮밥 Song-i mushroom saute over rice
청조유산슬밥 Braised seacucumber, beef and shrimp on steamed rice
팽이덮밥 Mushroom saute over rice
짜장볶음밥 Fried rice with black bean sauce
중국식볶음밥 Chinese style pilaf
상하이야끼소바 Shanghai style fried noodle
새우온면 Hot noodle with shrimp
볶음비훈 Chinese traditional fried noodle
짜쫄면 Glutinous noodle with black bean sauce
목이버섯탕 Mok-i Mushroom soup
부추잡채 Mixed noodle with leek
느타리양파볶음 Mushroom and onion saute
느타리야채볶음 Mushroom and vegetables saute
야채잡채 Mixed noodle with vegetables
버섯잡채 Mixed noodle with mushroom
콩나물잡채 Mixed noodle with bean sprouts
목이버섯달걀볶음 Mok-i Mushroom and egg saute
청경채야채볶음 Chinese cabbage and vegetable saute
가지된장볶음 Eggplant sauted with soybean sauce
죽순버섯볶음 Bamboo shoot and mushroom saute
청경채볶음 Chinese cabbage saute
감자잡채 Mixed noodle with potato
피망잡채 Mixed noodle with green pepper
파래양파튀김 Fried green laver and onion
가지생선탕수 Fried eggplant and fish with sweet and sour sauce
감자맛탕 Fried potato coated with starch syrup
야채탕수 Fried vegetables with sweet and sour sauce
두부브로커리탕수 Fried bean-curd and broccoli with sweet and sour sauce
쑥갓조개전 Korean pancake with crown daisy and shellfish
부추무침 Leek seasoned with hot sauce
양파/춘장 Onion / black bean sauce
쑥갓곤약구들깨무침 Crown daisy and arum root jelly seasoned with perilla seeds
숙주유부겨자무침 Green bean sprouts and fried bean-curd seasoned with mustard
청경채겉절이 Chinese cabbage salad with hot sauce
중국식오이김치 Chinese style cucumber Kimchi
쟈스민차 Jasmin tea
중국식소스 Chinese style whole pepper sauce
유부초밥 (스넥) Vinegared rice balls topped with fried bean-curd
맛살김밥 (스넥) Fake crab meat Kim-bob
햄김밥 Ham Kim-bob
메밀국수 Buckwheat noodle
새우튀김국수 Noodle with fried shrimp
유부국수 Noodle with fried bean-curd
우동 Japanese noodle
국수장국 Noodle with soy soup
국수전골 Noodle casserole
소고기우동 Japanese noodle with beef
유부우동(스넥) Japanese noodle with fried bean-curd
소면(스넥) Thin noodle
메밀국수(스넥) Buckwheat noodle
두부홍합국(대) Bean-curd and hard-shell soup(large)
유부된장국 Fried bean-curd soybean soup
두부홍합국(중) Bean-curd and hard-shell(Hong-hap) soup (medium)
냉소면국 Cold thin noodle soup
유부다시마국 Bean-curd and tangle soup
브로커리미역국 Seaweed(Mi-yok) soup with broccoli
공약탕 Arum roots jelly soup
고구마튀김 Fried sweet potatoes
감자양파튀김 Fried potatoes and onions
두부스테이크 Bean-curd steak
유부조림 Fried bean-curd braised with soy sauce
곤약샐러드 Arum roots jelly salad
참치회덮밥 Raw tuna over steamed rice with vinegared hot sauce
오징어회덮밥 Raw octopus(O-jing-o) over steamed rice with vinegared hot sauce
광어회덮밥 Raw halibut over steamed rice with vinegared hot sauce
한치회덮밥 Raw hanchi over steamed rice with vinegared hot sauce
야채김밥 Vegetable Kim-bob
양배추말이김밥 Kim-bob rolled with cabbage
모듬김밥 Assorted Kim-bob
삼색말이김밥 Kim-bob with three kinds of vegetables
김치김밥 Kimchi Kim-bob
치즈김밥 Cheese Kim-bob
삼색누드김밥 Three colors of kim-bob
카레김밥 Curry Kim-bob
누드날치알김밥 Flying fish egg Kim-bob
깻잎김밥 Sesame leaves Kim-bob
햄살김말이튀김 Fried ham with Kimmari
신토불이김밥 Original Kim-bob
계란말이김밥 Kim-bob rolled with egg
사색블랙김밥 Four color Kim-bob
참치회김밥 Kim-bob with raw tuna
오징어회덮밥(스넥) Raw octopus(O-jing-o) over steamed rice(Snack)
참치회덮밥(스넥) Raw tuna over steamed rice(Snack)
새우튀김덮밥(스넥) Fried shrimp over steamed rice(Snack)
모듬회덮밥 Assorted raw fish over rice
오뎅국수 Noodle with fish jelly
해물라면 Instant noodle with seafood
꼬치오뎅우동 Noodle with fish jelly
해물국수(스넥) Noodle with seafood(Snack)
오뎅국수(스넥) Noodle with fish jelly(Snack)
오뎅국 Fish jelly soup
오뎅국(대) Fish jelly soup(large)
오뎅국(중) Fish jelly soup(medium)
오뎅정식 Fish jelly soup served with steamed rice
꼬치오뎅(스넥) Fish jelly soup (Snack)
미소시로(스넥대) Japanese soybean soup(Snack-large)
미소시로(2) Japanese soybean soup(2)
대구지리(대) Codfish soup(large)
알탕(대) Fish egg soup(large)
알매운탕 Fish egg pepper pot soup
삼선계란탕(대) Egg soup with three kinds of seafoods (large)
대구지리(중) Codfish soup(medium)
삼선계란탕(중) Egg soup with three kinds of seafoods (medium)
피망미역볶음 - Green pepper and seaweed(Mi-yok) saute Green pepper and seaweed(Mi-yok) saute
새우튀김 Fried shrimp
새우까스 Shrimp cutlet
굴비튀김 Fried yellow corvina (Gool-bi)
조기홍초 Broiled yellow corvina (Cho-gi) with sweet and sour sauce
생선튀김고추장양념 Fried fish with hot sauce
청어산초향튀김 Fried herring with chinese pepper sauce
어묵빵가루튀김 Fried fish jelly breaded with crumb
미역야채튀김 Fried seaweed(Mi-yok) and vegetables
게맛살튀김 Fried fake crab meat
파래호끼살튀김(완) Fried fish with green laver
이면수구이 Broiled I-myoun-su fish
굴비구이 Broiled yellow corvina(Gool-bi)
삼치구이 Broiled Spanish mackerel(Sam-chi)
오징어양념구이 Broiled octopus(O-jing-o) seasoned with hot sauce
병어양념장구이 Broiled butterfish (Byung-o) seasoned with hot suace and soy sauce
오징어불고기 Barbecued octopus(O-jing-o)
연북어구이 Broiled dried pollack
건우럭구이 Broiled dried u-ruk
적어양념구이 Broiled redfish seasoned with hot suace
삼치된장구이 Broiled Spanish mackerel(Sam-chi) with soybean sauce
삼치엿장구이 Broiled Spanish mackerel(Sam-chi) with soy sauce and starch syrup
생선야채구이 Broiled fish with vegetables
삼치양념구이 Broiled Spanish mackerel(Sam-chi) seasoned with soy sauce
장어구이정식 Broiled eel served with steamed rice
오징어양념구이(스넥) Broiled octopus(O-jing-o) seasoned with hot sauce (Snack)
어묵찜 Smothered fish jelly
미역깐새우무침 Seasoned seaweed(Mi-yok) and shrimp
홍합초 Hard-shell (Hong-hap) braised with soy sauce
참치무조림 Tuna and radish braised with soy sauce
미역조림 Seaweed(Mi-yok) braised with soy sauce
다시마멸치조림 Anchovy and tangle braised with soy sauce
고등어장조림 Mackerel(Go-deung-o) braised with soy sauce
도미조림(스넥) Bream braised with soy sauce(snack)
해파리겨자채 Jellyfish(Hae-pa-ri) seasoned with mustard
콩나물겨자채 Bean sprouts seasoned with mustard
해물냉채 Cold cooked seafood seasoned with vinegared sauce
미역갑오징어무침 seaweed(Mi-yok) and shell-octopus(O-jing-o) seasoned with hot sauce
오징어냉채 Cold cooked octopus(O-jing-o) seasoned with vinegar sauce
미역초무침 Seaweed(Mi-yok) seasoned with vinegar
미역겨자무침 Seaweed(Mi-yok) seasoned with mustard
생다시마쌈 Tangle wrap
참치회무침 Raw tuna seasoned with vinegared hot sauce
오징어회샐러드 Raw octopus(O-jing-o) salad
홍어회 Raw skate
소고기덮밥 Beef saute over rice
치킨라이스 Chicken breast saute with ketchup over rice
계란카레덮밥 Curry rice with egg
돈육튀김덮밥 Fried pork over rice
소고기버섯덮밥 Beef and mushroom over rice
소고기덮밥(스넥) Beef over rice(Snack)
계란메밀국수 Buckwheat noodle with egg ganish
소고기곤약탕 Beef and arum root jelly soup
닭고기볶음(유자된장소스) Chicken saute with soybean and citron sauce
닭튀김/인삼소스 Fried chicken / ginseng sauce
돈까스/참깨소스 Pork cutlet / sesame sauce
일식탕수육 Japanese style sweet and sour pork
돈육유자향구이 Broiled pork with citron
돈육구이와 시금치무침 Broiled pork and seasoned spinach
돈육레몬구이 Broiled pork with lemon
닭고기유자된장구이 Broiled chicken with citron and soybean sauce
깨를얹은닭안심구이 Broiled chicken breast with sesame sauce
돈육생강장조림 Pork and ginger braised with soy sauce
닭조림 Chicken braised with soy sauce
일본식마요네즈 Japanese style mayonnaise
일식야채밥 Japanese style steamed rice with vegetables
섞음초밥 Mixed vinegared rice
샐러드초밥 Mixed vinegared rice with vegetables and seafood
열무초밥(스넥) Vinegared rice with radish leaves
호박볶음국수 Noodle and zucchini saute
산채모밀국수 Buckwheat noodle with wild vegetables
깨장소면 Thin noodle with sesame soy sauce
냉미역메밀국수 Cold buckwheat noodle with seaweed (Mi-yok)
튀김우동(스넥) Noodle with fried vegetables and seafoods (snack)
튀김쑥국수(스넥) Mugwort noodle with fried vegetables and seafoods (snack)
미역두부왜된장국(대) Seaweed(Mi-Yok) soybean soup with bean-curd
모듬장국 Soup flavored with soy sauce
무쌈 Radish wrap
야채튀김 Fried vegetables
생선콘프레이크튀김 Fried fish with corn flake
곤약구튀김 Fried arum root jelly
일본식두부튀김 Japanese style fried bean-curd
우엉튀김/소스 Fried burdock / sauce
만가닥튀김/일식튀김장 Fried man-ga-dack mushroom / Japanese style sauce
고구마흑임자튀김 Fried sweet potatoes with black sesame
야채튀김(완) Fried vegetables (ready prepared)
느타리버섯양념구이 Broiled seasoning mushroom
연근조림 Lotus roots braised with soy sauce
우엉당근조림 Burdock and carrot braised with soy sauce
우엉조림 Burdock braised with soy sauce
곤약무조림 Arum root jelly and radish braised with soy sauce
락교 Pickled roots of green onion
나나스끼 Pickled melon
연근초절이 Pickled lotus roots
오복채무침 Pickled radish seasoned with hot sauce
락교무침 Pickled root of green onion seasoned with hot sauce
미역두부겨자무침 Seaweed(Mi-yok) and bean-curd seasoned with mustard sauce
무초해물회쌈 Pickled radish wrap for raw seafoods
만가닥샐러드 man-ga-dack mushroom salad
삼색생채 Three kinds of vegetables salad
우엉샐러드 Burdock salad
다시마냉채 Cold tangle seasoned with vinegar
센차 Japanese green tea
우엉모밀국수샐러드 Burdock and buckwheat noodle salad
일식피망샐러드 Japanese style green pepper salad
일식샐러드 Japanese style salad
참깨소스 Sesame sauce
일식양파소스 Japanese style onion sauce
생강소스 Ginger sauce
야채소스 Vegetable sauce
쌀밥 Steamed rice
보리밥 Steamed barely
팥밥 Steamed rice with red bean
녹두밥 Steamed rice with green bean
차조밥 Steamed rice with millet
검정콩밥 Steamed rice with black bean
완두콩밥 Steamed rice with pea
오곡찰밥 Steamed rice with five grains
강남콩밥 Steamed rice with kidney beans
콩나물밥 Steamed rice with bean sprouts
감자밥 Steamed rice with potato
고구마밥 Steamed rice with sweet potato
팥죽 Red bean gruel
동부콩밥 Steamed rice with bean
현미밥 Steamed unpolished rice
쌀죽 Rice gruel
깨죽 Sesame gruel
잣죽 Pine nuts gruel
인삼죽 Ginseng gruel
선비콩밥 Steamed rice with sun-bi bean
수수조밥 Steamed rice with Indian millet
밤밥 Steamed rice with chestnut
옥수수밥 Steamed rice with corn
주먹밥 Rice ball
묵채비빔밥 Mixed rice with acorn jelly
콩탕밥 Steamed rice with bean-curd dregs
김치밥 Steamed rice with Kimchi
콩죽 Bean gruel
흑향미밥 Steamed black rice
녹두미음 Mung-bean gruel
비엔나소시지구이 Broiled sausage
세아리반 Steamed various grains
북어대추죽 Dried pollack and jujube gruel
밤암죽 Chestnut gruel
목이버섯율무죽 Mushroom and adlay gruel
울타리콩밥 Steamed rice with Wool-ta-ri beans
현미쑥쌀밥 Steamed unpolished rice with mugwort
현미쑥쌀영양밥 Steamed unpolished rice with mugwort and jujube
떡국 Rice- cake soup
물냉면 Cold water noodle
만두국 Dumpling soup
비빔국수 Mixed noodle with hot sauce
비빔냉면 Mixed buckwheat noodle with hot sauce
칼국수 handmade noodle
온면 Hot noodle
쫄면 Glutinous noodle
김치비빔국수 Mixed noodle with Kimchi
보리비빔냉면 Mixed barley noodle with hot sauce
소면 Thin noodle
열무물냉면 Mixed buckwheat noodle with water radish leaves Kimchi
콩국수 Noodle with soybean soup
볶음라면 Instant noodle saute
냉우동 Cold Japanese noodle
사리곰탕면 Noodle with beef stock soup
열무비빔국수 Mixed noodle with hot sauce and radish leaves Kimchi
메밀비빔국수 Mixed buckwheat noodle with hot sauce
냉소면 Cold thin noodle
떡라면 Instant noodle with rice-cake
팥칼국수 handmade noodle with red bean soup
감자수제비 Soup with dough flakes and potato
떡만두국 Rice-cake soup with dumpling
모밀우동 Buckwheat hot noodle
모밀칼국수 handmade buckwheat noodle
열무냉국수 Cold noodle with radish leaves Kimchi
막국수 Buckwheat noodle with hot sauce
잔치국수 Thin noodle with soup flavored with soy sauce
유부김치국수 Noodle with fried bean-curd and Kimchi
만두라면 Instant noodle with dumpling
수제비칼국수 handmade noodle soup with dough flakes
라면 Instant noodle
쌀국수 Rice noodle
쌀냉면 Cold noodle made of rice
굴떡국 Rice-cake soup with oyster
된장국수 Noodle with soybean sauce
인삼수제비 Soup with dough flakes and ginseng
인도라면 India style instant noodle
김치비빔냉면 Mixed cold noodle with hot sauce and Kimchi
고향수제비 Homemade style soup with dough flakes
모시조개칼국수 Shellfish soup with dough flakes
들깨칼국수 handmade noodle with perilla seeds
미역수제비 Seaweed(Mi-yok) soup with dough flakes
찹쌀수제비 Soup with dough flakes made of sticky rice
청포국수 Green-pea jelly noodle
칼싹두기 Hand- made buckwheat noodle
고추장수제비 Spicy soup with dough flakes
메밀콩국수 Buckwheat noodle in soybean soup
만두국(스넥) Dumpling soup(snack)
떡국(스넥) Rice-cake soup(snack)
떡만두국(스넥) Rice-cake and dumpling soup (snack)
팥떡(연회) Red bean rice-cake (catering)
바람떡 Ba-ram rice-cake
두부쑥갓왜된장국 Japanese soybean soup with bean-curd and crown daisy
콩나물두부된장국(대) Bean sprouts soybean soup with bean-curd (large)
감자다시마국(대) Potato soup with tangle(large)
감자애호박국(대) Potato and zucchini soup(large)
두부토장국(대) Bean-curd soy bean paste soup(large)
콩나물조개국(대) Bean sprouts and clam soup(large)
두부유부된장국(대) Bean-curd and fried bean-curd soybean soup
콩나물국(대) Bean sprouts soup(large)
감자양파국(대) Potato and onion soup(large)
두부오뎅국(대) Bean-curd and fish jelly soup(large)
감자국(대) Potato soup(large)
감자고비된장국(대) Potato and royal fern soybean soup(large)
콩나물냉국(대) Bean sprouts cold soup(large)
두부어묵새우젓국(대) Bean-curd and fish jelly soup with salted shrimp(large)
김치수제비국 Kimchi soup with dough flakes
감자미역국(대) Seaweed (Mi-yok) soup with potato (large)
두부오뎅국(중) Bean-curd and fish jelly soup(medium)
두부토장국(중) Bean-curd soy bean paste soup(medium)
두부어묵새우젓국(중) Bean-curd and fish jelly soup with salted shrimp(medium)
콩나물조개국(중) Bean sprouts and clam soup (medium)
감자다시마국(중) Potato soup with tangle(medium)
감자고비된장국(중) Potato and royal fern soybean soup(medium)
소고기두부토장국(중) Beef and bean-curd soybean paste soup
들깨된장국(중) Soybean soup with wild sesame(medium)
두부유부된장국(중) Bean-curd and fried bean-curd soybean soup(medium)
감자국(중) Potato soup(medium)
수제비아욱된장국 Mallow soybean soup with dough flakes
느타리버섯수제비국 Mushroom soup with dough flakes
묵채해장국 Acorn jelly soup to chase a hangover
두부배추된장국 Bean-curd and cabbage soybean soup
순두부맑은국 Clear soup with bean-curd
수제비국 Soup with dough flakes
팥탕즙 Red bean juice
순두부찌개(대) Uncurdled bean-curd stew(large)
두부새우젓찌개 Bean-curd soup with salted shrimp
된장찌개(대) Bean paste stew(large)
유부김치찌개(대) Kimchi stew with fried bean-curd(large)
콩비지찌개(대) Bean-curd dregs stew (large)
청국장찌개(대) Fermented soybean soup(large)
연두부찌개 Soft bean-curd stew
순두부김치찌개(대) Uncurdled bean-curd stew with Kimchi (large)
감자찌개(대) Potato stew(large)
유부김치찌개(중) Kimchi stew with fried bean-curd(medium)
콩비지찌개(중) Bean-curd dregs stew(medium)
순두부김치찌개(중) Uncurdled bean-curd stew with Kimchi (medium)
순두부찌개(중) Uncurdled bean-curd stew(medium)
청국장찌개(중) Fermented soybean soup(medium)
두부백탕(대) Bean-curd soup(large)
감자탕(대) Bone stock soup with potato(large)
감자탕(중) Bone stock soup with potato(medium)
두부백탕(중) Bean-curd soup(medium)
순두부버섯탕 Uncurdled bean-curd and mushroom soup
소고기만두탕 Beef and dumpling soup
평안도식 되비지탕 Pyoung-an do style pork and bean-curd dregs soup
김치감자탕 Kimchi and potato soup
만두매운탕 Dumpling pepper pot soup
감자채풋고추볶음 Sliced potato and green pepper saute
떡볶음 Rice-cake sauted with hot sauce
감자양파볶음 Potato and onion saute
감자피망볶음 Potato and green pepper saute
두부김치 Bean-curd and Kimchi
감자채당근볶음 Sliced potato and carrot saute
감자채볶음 Sliced potato saute
떡잡채 Mixed noodle with rice-cake
당면양념볶음 Seasoning Chinese noodle saute
두부두루치기 Bean-curd and vegetable saute
궁중떡볶이 Royal court style rice-cake saute
참치떡볶음 Tuna and rice-cake saute
떡튀김/케찹 Fried rice-cake / ketchup
두부튀김양념장 Fried bean-curd with soy sauce
밥강정 Fried rice coated with starch syrup
토란크로켓 Taro croquettes
두부구이 Broiled bean-curd
두부계란지짐 Panfried bean-curd with egg
두부오믈렛 Bean-curd omelet
조기구이 Broiled yellow croaker(Cho-gi)
녹두빈대떡 Mung-bean pancake
감자부침 Korean pancake with potato
풋고추장떡 Korean pancake with green pepper and hot sauce
콩빈대떡 Bean pancake
라이스야채전 Korean pancake with rice and vegetable
떡고기산적 Rice-cake and beef skewer
청포묵전 Pancake with green-pea jelly and red and green pepper
연근빈대떡 Korean pancake with mung beans and lotus roots
떡꼬지지짐 Panfried rice-cake on a skewer
완자전 Panfried meat balls
감자해물전 Korean pancake with seafood and potatoes
떡갈비찜 Smothered rice-cake and ribs
삶은 감자 Steamed potatoes
두부선 Cooked bean-curd
두부소고기찜 Smothered bean-curd and beef
밤찜 Smothered chestnuts
두부계란찜 Smothered bean-curd and egg
콩조림 Bean braised with soy sauce
두부조림 Bean-curd braised with soy sauce
감자조림 Potato braised with soy sauce
조림감자풋고추조림 Baby potatoes and green pepper braised with soy sauce
알감자조림 Baby potatoes braised with soy sauce
두부고추장조림 Bean-curd braised with hot sauce
강남콩조림 Kidney beans braised with soy sauce
두부엿장조림 Bean-curd braised with starch syrup and soy sauce
흰콩곤약조림 Bean and arum root jelly braised with soy sauce
떡산적 Rice-cake skewer
고구마조림 Sweet potato braised with soy sauce
콩나물무침 Seasoned bean sprouts
도토리묵무침 Acorn jelly seasoned with hot sauce
청포묵무침 Seasoned green-pea jelly
탕평채 Seasoned green-pea jelly and vegetable
도토리묵김치무침 Acorn jelly and Kimchi seasoned with hot sauce
연두부 Soft bean-curd
두부부추김치 Leek Kimchi and bean-curd
메밀묵무침 Buckwheat jelly seasoned with hot sauce
도토리묵돌나물무침 Acorn jelly and vegetable seasoned with hot sauce
비빔만두 Mixed dumpling with hot sauce
청포묵김가루무침 Green-pea jelly and seaweed(Kim) flakes seasoned with hot sauce
미역청포묵무침 Green-pea jelly and seaweed(Mi-Yok) seasoned with hot sauce
밥식혜 Fermented rice and pollack
식혜 Sweet punch with rice
수정과 Korean style cinnamon punch
고구마찜 Smothered sweet potato
옥수수 Corns
식혜(캔) Sweet punch with rice (canned food)
호이호떡 Honey pancake
누룽지 Scorched rice
영양찐빵 Steamed bread
고구마범벅 Sweet potato porridge
쌈장 Wrap sauce
두부쌈장 Wrap sauce with bean-curd
오징어볶음덮밥 Octopus (O-jing-o) saute over rice
낙지볶음덮밥 Octopus (Nak-ji) saute over rice
어묵비빔밥 Mixed rice with fish jelly
해물덮밥 Seafood over rice
해물잡채덮밥 Mixed noodle with seafood over rice
생굴두부덮밥 Raw oyster and bean-curd over rice
새우미나리죽 Shrimp and dropwort gruel
해물김치볶음밥 Seafood and Kimchi pilaf
참치김치볶음밥 Tuna and Kimchi pilaf
주먹김밥 Riceball kim-bob
쭈꾸미덮밥 Octopus (Zoo-gu-mi) saute over rice
오징어김치볶음밥 Octopus(O-jing-o) and Kimchi pilaf
버섯굴죽 Mushroom and oyster gruel
참치야채비빔밥 Mixed rice with tuna and vegetables
굴야채비빔밥 Mixed rice with oyster and vegetables
멸치죽 Anchovy gruel
야채해물밥/겨자소스모듬쌈 Steamed rice with vegetables and seafood/Mustard sauce
참치김치김밥 Tuna and Kimchi kim-bob
쭈꾸미생야채비빔밥 Mixed rice with octopus (Zoo-gu-mi) and vegetables
홍어회냉면 Cold noodle and raw skate seasoned with hot sauce
낙지볶음면 Noodle with octopus (Nak-ji) saute
오징어볶음국수 Noodle with octopus (O-jing-o) saute
오징어김치볶음국수 octopus(O-jing-o) and Kimchi saute with noodle
어묵된장국수 Fish jelly and noodle with soybean soup
한치비빔국수 Mixed noodle with octopus(Han-chi)
볶음해물라면 Instant noodle with seafood saute
오징어쟁반국수 Noodle tray with octopus(O-jing-o)
함흥회냉면 Ham-heung style cold noodle with sliced fish
해물수제비 Seafood soup with dough flakes
만가닥홍어회비빔국수 Mixed noodle with mushroom and skate
낙지칼국수 handmade noodle with octopus(Nak-ji)
오징어라면볶음 octopus(O-jing-o) and instant noodle saute
오징어회비빔국수 Mixed noodle with raw octopus(O-jing-o) and vinegared hot sauce
북어채국(대) Dried pollack soup(large)
대하국(대) Shrimp soup(large)
굴국(대) Oyster soup(large)
연북어무국(대) Pollack and radish soup(large)
오징어무국(대) octopus(O-jing-o) and radish soup(large)
건새우아욱국(대) Dried shrimp and mallow soup(large)
홍합무국(대) Hard-shell (Hong-hap) and radish soup(large)
재치왜된장국 Japanese soybean soup with shellfish
조개된장국(대) Shellfish soybean soup(large)
조개된장국(중) Shellfish soybean soup(medium)
조갯살아욱국 Shellfish and mallow soup
북어해장국(대) Pollack soup to chase a hangover(large)
오징어된장국(대) octopus(O-jing-o) soybean soup(large)
재치미역국(대) Shellfish and seaweed(Mi-Yok) soup(large)
북어채국(중) Dried pollack soup(medium)
북어해장국(중) Pollack soup to chase a hangover(medium)
해물매운국(중) Seafood hot soup(medium)
오징어된장국(중) Octopus(O-jing-o) soybean soup(medium)
연북어무국(중) Pollack and radish soup(medium)
미역해래기국(중) Seaweed(Mi-Yok) and clam soup(medium)
건새우아욱국(중) Dried shrimp and mallow soup(medium)
오징어무국(중) Octopus(O-jing-o) and radish soup(medium)
대하국(중) Large shrimp soup(medium)
굴국(중) Oyster soup(medium)
우렁된장국 Mud snail soybean soup
만데기된장국 Man-de-gi soybean soup
우렁이해장국 Mud snail soup to chase a hangover
굴북어국 Oyster and pollack soup
북어채육개장 Spicy beef and pollack soup
북어채우거지국 Pollack and cabbage soup
하동재첩국 Ha-dong shellfish soup
가자미미역국 Flatfish(Ga-za-mi)and seaweed(Mi-yok) soup
올갱이순두부국 Uncurdled bean-curd soup
바지락무국 Short-necked clam and radish soup
동태포계란국 Sliced pollack and egg soup
홍합살미역국 Hard-shell and seaweed(Mi-yok) soup
대구살미역국 Codfish and seaweed(Mi-yok) soup
모시조개된장국 Clam soybean soup
바지락된장국 Short-necked clam soybean soup
아욱조갯살국 Mallow shellfish soup
미더덕콩나물국 Seafood (Mi-the-duk) and bean sprouts soup
콩나물북어국 Bean sprouts and dried pollack soup
장어해장국 Eel soup to chase a hangover
굴냉국 Oyster cold soup
새알미역국 seaweed(Mi-yok) soup with rice balls
오징어무찌개(대) octopus(O-jing-o) and radish stew (large)
새우호박찌개(대) Shrimp and zucchini stew (large)
꽁치통조림찌개(대) Canned mackerel pike stew (large)
해물섞어찌개(대) Mixed seafood stew (large)
낙지곱창전골(대) octopus(Nak-ji) and intestine casserole (large)
참치찌개(대) Tuna stew (large)
참치김치찌개(대) Tuna and Kimchi stew (large)
참치감자찌개 Tuna and potato stew
오징어무찌개 octopus(O-jing-o) and radish stew
새우호박오가리찌개 Shrimp and dried zucchini stew
어묵전골(대) Fish jelly casserole (large)
참치찌개(중) Tuna stew (medium)
어묵전골(중) Fish jelly casserole (medium)
해물섞어찌개(중) Mixed seafood stew (medium)
낙지곱창전골(중) octopus(Nak-ji) and intestine casserole (medium)
오징어무찌개(중) octopus(O-jing-o) and radish stew (medium)
꽁치통조림찌개(중) Canned mackerel pike stew (medium)
새우호박찌개(중) Shrimp and zucchini stew (medium)
참치김치찌개(중) Tuna and Kimchi stew (medium)
순두부명란젓찌개 Uncurdled bean-curd and salted pollack egg stew
청어된장찌개 Herring(Chung-o) stew with soy bean paste
두부명란젓찌개 Bean-curd and salted pollack egg stew
오징어당면전골 octopus(O-jing-o) and Chinese noodle casserole
조개콩나물된장찌개 Clam and bean sprout soybean stew
아구매운탕(대) Angler(A-gu)pepper pot soup(large)
꽃게탕(대) Crab soup(large)
우럭매운탕(대) U-ruk pepper pot soup(large)
동태매운탕(대) Frozen pollack pepper pot soup(large)
대구매운탕(대) Codfish pepper pot soup(large)
추어탕 Loach soup
장대매운탕 Jang-dae pepper pot soup
생태매운탕 Pollack pepper pot soup
동태매운탕(소) Frozen pollack pepper pot soup(minior)
해물잡탕(대) Mixed seafood soup(large)
민어매운탕 Croaker pepper pot soup
해물당면탕(대) Seafood and Chinese noodle soup(large)
장어탕 Eel soup
홍대낙새탕 Skate, codfish, octopus(Nak-ji) and shrimp soup
조기꽃게탕 Yellow croaker (Cho-gi) and crab soup
오징어두부매운탕 octopus(O-jing-o) and bean-curd pepper pot soup
동태매운탕(중) Frozen Pollack pepper pot soup(medium)
해물잡탕(중) Mixed seafoods soup(large)
해물당면탕(중) Seafood and Chinese noodle soup(medium)
우럭매운탕(중) U-ruk pepper pot soup (medium)
대구매운탕(중) Codfish pepper pot soup(medium)
알탕(중) Fish egg soup(medium)
꽃게탕(중) Crab soup(medium)
고등어추어탕 Loach soup with mackerel
참치매운탕 Tuna pepper pot soup
수제비적어매운탕 Redfish pepper pot soup with dough flakes
조개탕 Shell soup
참치추어탕 Loach soup with tuna
꽃게민어매운탕 Crab and croaker(Min-o) pepper pot soup
새우해물탕 Shrimp and seafood pepper pot soup
묵사발 Anchovy soup with acorn jelly and Kimchi
콩비지게탕 Bean-curd dregs and crab soup
메기매운탕 Catfish pepper pot soup
연북어매운탕 Dried pollack pepper pot soup
생새우탕 Shrimp soup
버섯해물탕 Mushroom and seafood soup
대구내장탕 Codfish intestine soup
미역곰탕 Beef stock soup with seaweed(Mi-yok)
낙지볶음 Octopus(Nak-ji) saute with hot sauce
오징어볶음 Octopus(O-jing-o) saute with hot sauce
멸치볶음 Anchovy saute
어묵감자볶음 Fish jelly and potato saute
어묵야채볶음 Fish jelly and vegetable saute
오징어채볶음 Dried octopus(O-jing-o) saute
완자어묵풋고추볶음 Meat ball, fish jelly and green pepper saute
맛살볶음 Fake crab meat saute
어묵양파볶음 Fish jelly and onion saute
어묵볶음 Fish jelly saute
맛살야채볶음 Fake crab meat and vegetable saute
쭈꾸미볶음 Octopus (Zoo-gu-mi) sauted with hot sauce
어묵케찹볶음 Fish jelly sauted with ketchup
오징어귀어채볶음 Dried octopus(O-jing-o) saute
오징어잡채 Mixed noodle with octopus(O-jing-o)
갑오징어김치볶음 Shell-octopus(O-jing-o) and Kimchi saute
장어야채볶음 Eel and vegetable saute
멍게잡채 Mixed noodle with ascidian (Mung-gae)
대구야채볶음 Codfish and vegetable saute
미역줄기느타리볶음 seaweed(Mi-Yok) and mushroom saute
뱅어포파래볶음 Dried whitebait and green laver saute
새우살볶음 Shrimp meat saute
홍합야채볶음 Hard-shell (Hong-hap) and vegetable saute
북어채불고기 Barbecued sliced pollack (Book-o-chae)
건새우마늘쫑볶음 Dried shrimp and garlic sprout saute
건새우양배추볶음 Dried shrimp and western cabbage saute
맛살느타리볶음 Fake crab meat and mushroom saute
생조갯살볶음 Shucked shellfish saute
참치야채볶음 Tuna and vegetable saute
참치김치볶음 Tuna and Kimchi saute
호박홍합볶음 Zucchini and hard-shell mussel(Hong-hap)saute
부들어묵볶음 Fish jelly saute
실치고추장볶음 Anchovy saute with hot sauce
동태살야채볶음(깐소동태) Frozen pollack and vegetable saute
이면수튀김 Fried I-myoun-su fish
병어튀김 Fried harvest fish
갈치튀김 Fried hair-tail(Cal-chi)
고등어자반튀김 Fried salted mackerel(Go-deung-o)
가자미튀김 Fried flatfish(Ga-za-mi)
청어튀김 Fried herring
보리멸튀김 Fried Bori-myoul fish
삼치튀김 Fried Spanish mackerel(Sam-chi)
노가리튀김 Fried young pollack(No-ga-ri)
꽁치튀김 Fried mackerel pike
오징어탕수 Sweet and sour octopus(O-jing-o)
생선남방초 Fried fish served with vinegared soy sauce
오징어야채튀김 Fried octopus(O-jing-o) and vegetables
연북어튀김 Fried pollack
아지튀김 Fried (A-ji) fish
오징어강정 octopus(O-jing-o) coated with millet jelly and soy sauce
전갱이깻잎튀김 Fried fish(Jeon-gang-i)with sesame leaves
생굴튀김 Fried oyster
연북어양념강정 Dried pollack coated with millet jelly and soy sauce
이면수튀김/야채소스 Fried I-myoun-su fish / vegetable sauce
고등어겨자튀김 Fried mackerel(Go-deung-o) with mustard
참치채소튀김 Fried vegetable with tuna
참치옥수수장떡 Korean pancake with tuna and corn
뱅어포양념구이 Dried whitebait broiled with hot sauce
장어구이 Broiled eel
전어구이 Broiled herring(Jeon-o)
갈치구이 Broiled hair-tail(Cal-chi)
꽁치양념구이 Broiled mackerel pike with soy sauce
청어구이 Broiled herring
가자미구이 Broiled flatfish(Ga-za-mi)
방어구이 Broiled yellowtail(Bang-o)
연북어구이 Broiled dried pollack
도미양념구이 Broiled sea bream with soy sauce
삼치불고기 Barbecued mackerel(Sam-chi)
아지양념구이 Broiled A-ji with soy sauce
병어구이 Broiled harvest fish(Byung -o)
꽁치구이 Broiled mackerel pike
건아지구이 Broiled dried A-ji
고등어된장구이 Broiled mackerel (Go-deung-o)with soybean sauce
적어구이 Broiled redfish
조기구이 Broiled yellow croaker
조기양념구이 Broiled yellow croaker with soy sauce
양머리양념구이 Broiled yangmu-ri with soy sauce
도미양념구이 Broiled sea bream (Do-mi) with soy sauce
참치양념구이 Broiled tuna with soy sauce
민어양념구이 Broiled croaker(Min-o) with soy sauce
진미채전 Korean pancake with dried octopus(Jin-mee-chae)
동태전 Panfried pollack
새우전 Panfried shrimp
참치전 Panfried tuna
해물파전 Korean pancake with seafood and green onion
해물카레전 Korean pancake with seafood and curry
어묵전 Panfried fish jelly
물오징어전 Panfried octopus(O-jing-o)
꽁치전 Panfried mackerel pike
오징어된장전 Octopus(O-jing-o) pancake seasoned with soybean sauce
맛살전 Panfried fake crab meat
굴전 Panfried oysters
맛살실파꼬지 Fake crab meat and green onion skewer
참치살피망전 Korean pancake with tuna and green pepper
해물부추전 Korean pancake with seafood and leek
김계란말이 Rolled egg with seaweed(Kim)
만가닥해물전 Korean pancake with mushroom(Man-ga-dak)and seafood
어묵야채전 Korean pancake with fish jelly and vegetable
꽁치찜 Smothered mackerel pike
명란젓찜 Smothered salted pollack egg
아구찜 Smothered angler
오징어순대 Korean style octopus(O-jing-o) sausage
연북어찜 Smothered dried pollack
홍합찜 Smothered hard-shell (Hong-hap)
어묵쇠고기찜 Smothered fish jelly and beef
대구뽈찜 Smothered codfish
동태살찜 Smothered frozen pollack meat
염고등어찜 Smothered salted mackerel(Go-deung-o)
바지락야채찜 Smothered short-necked clam and vegetable
멸치고추조림 Anchovy and pepper braised with soy sauce
삼치조림 Spanish mackerel(Sam-chi)braised with soy sauce
마른조갯살조림 Dried shucked shelfish braised with soy sauce
건새우조림 Dried shrimp braised with soy sauce
가자미조림 Flatfish braised with soy sauce
갈치조림 Hair-tail(CaI-chi)braised with soy sauce
꽁치조림 Mackerel pike braised with soy sauce
병어조림 Harvest fish(Byung-o) braised with soy sauce
이면수조림 I-myoun-su braised with soy sauce
정어리조림 Sardine (Cheong-o-ri) braised with soy sauce
연북어무조림 Dried pollack and radish braised with soy sauce
멸치계란조림 Anchovy and cooked egg braised with soy sauce
소라조림 Trumpet shell braised with soy sauce
노가리무조림 Young mackerel(No-ga-ri)and radish braised with soy sauce
적어조림 Redfish braised with soy sauce
갈치포조림 Dried hair-tai(Cal-chi) braised with soy sauce
오징어포고추조림 Dried octopus(O-jing-o) and pepper braised with soy sauce
건골뚜기조림 Dried baby octopus(Nak-ji) braised with soy sauce
참치조림 Tuna braised with soy sauce
건새우무조림 Dried shrimp and radish braised with soy sauce
양미리조림 Yang-mi-ri braised with soy sauce
고등어자반조림 Salted mackerel(Go-deung-o) braised with soy sauce
어묵고추조림 Fish jelly and pepper braised with soy sauce
도미조림 Bream braised with soy sauce
고등어조림 Mackerel(Go-deung-o) braised with soy sauce
조기조림 Yellow croaker braised with soy sauce
오징어장조림 octopus(O-jing-o) braised soy sauce
홍합고추조림 Hard-shell(Hang-hap) and pepper braised with soy sauce
오징어풋고추조림 octopus(O-jing-o) and green pepper braised with soy sauce
꽁치감자조림 Mackerel pike and potato braised with soy sauce
방게조림 Small crab (Bang-gae) braised with soy sauce
오징어무조림 octopus(O-jing-o) and radish braised with soy sauce
청어조림 Herring braised with soy sauce
아지조림 A-ji braised with soy sauce
꽁치깻잎조림 Mackerel pike and sesame leaves braised with soy sauce
대구조림 Codfish braised with soy sauce
땅콩잔멸치조림 Peanut and anchovy braised with soy sauce
아지김치조림 A-ji and Kimchi braised with soy sauce
쥐포조림 Dried filefish braised with soy sauce
갈치포조림 Dried hair-tail (Cal-chi) braised with soy sauce
통오징어풋고추조림 Whole octopus(O-jing-o) and green pepper braised with soy sauce
동태조림 Frozen pollack braised with soy sauce
보리새우무조림 Shrimp and radish braised with soy sauce
양미리조림 Yang-mi-ri braised with soy sauce
참치두부조림 Tuna and bean-curd braised with soy sauce
민어조림 Croaker(Min-o) braised with soy sauce
오징어말이조림 Rolled octopus(O-jing-o) braised with soy sauce
고등어케찹조림 Mackerel(Go-deung-o) braised with ketchup
어묵완자고추장조림 Fish jelly ball braised with hot sauce
반건장어조림 Half dried eel braised with soy sauce
대구채무침 Sliced codfish seasoned with hot sauce
생굴/초고추장 Raw oyster / Vinegared hot sauce
굴실파무침 Oyster and green onion seasoned with hot sauce
오징어젓무침 Salted octopus(O-jing-o) seasoned with hot sauce
갑오징어무침 Shell-octopus(Gab-O-jing-o) seasoned with hot sauce
오징어무침 octopus(O-jing-o) seasoned with hot sauce
조개젓무침 Salted clam seasoned with hot sauce
꼴두기젓무침 Salted baby octopus(Nak-ji) seasoned with hot sauce
쥐어채무침 Dried sliced octopus seasoned with hot sauce
어리굴젓무침 Salted baby oyster seasoned with hot sauce
굴무생채 Oyster and radish salad with hot sauce
소라오이초채 Trumpet shell and cucumber seasoned with vinegar
명란젓무침 Salted mackerel egg seasoned with hot sauce
꼬막무침 Shellfish seasoned with hot sauce
노가리포무침 Dried young mackerel(No-ga-ri)seasoned with hot sauce
오징어숙회 Cooked octopus(O-jing-o) seasoned with hot sauce
멸치고추장조림 Anchovy braised with hot sauce
골뱅이무침 Trumpet shell seasoned with hot sauce
우묵무침 Seaweed jelly seasoned with soy sauce
창란젓무침 Salted pollack guts seasoned with hot sauce
오징어오가리무침 Dried octopus(O-jing-o) seasoned with hot sauce
맛살오이초채 Fake crab meat and cucumber seasoned with vinegar
진미채무침 Dried sliced octopus(Jin-mee-chae) seasoned with hot sauce
어묵부추무침 Fish jelly and leek seasoned with hot sauce
골뱅이냉이무침 Trumpet shell and pickpurse seasoned with hot sauce
북어채무침 Dried pollack (Book-o-chae) seasoned with hot sauce
오징어도라지생채 Octopus(O-jing-o) and platycodon salad with hot sauce
해파리도라지무침 Jellyfish and platycodon seasoned with vinegared hot sauce
오징어발무무침 Octopus(O-jing-o) and radish seasoned with hot sauce
밴댕이젓무침 Salted pilchard seasoned with hot sauce
아가미젓무침 Salted fish gill seasoned with hot sauce
황석어젓무침 Salted yellow croaker seasoned with hot sauce
참치보쌈 Various vegetables with tuna wrap sauce
오징어콩나물무침 Octopus(O-jing-o) and bean sprouts seasoned with hot sauce
훈제오징어무침 Smoked octopus(O-jing-o) seasoned with hot sauce
생우살냉채 Raw shrimp (cold dish)
김멸치초무침 Seaweed(Kim) and anchovy seasoned with vinegar
문어살무침 Octopus(Moon-o) meat seasoned with hot sauce
진미채오이무침 Dried octopus(Jin-mee-chae) and cucumber seasoned with hot sauce
홍합무침회 Seasoned hard shells (Hong-hap)
미역레몬무침 Seaweed(Mi-yok) seasoned with lemon
꽃게장 Salted crab
미역맛살무침 Seaweed(Mi-yok) and fake crab meat seasoned with hot sauce
오징어젓무말랭이무침 Salted octopus(O-jing-o) and dried radish seasoned with hot sauce
물미역초고추장 Fresh seaweed(Mi-Yok) with vinegared hot sauce
명엽채 무침 Sliced octopus (Myung-yeob-chae) seasoned with hot sauce
참치보쌈 Tuna wrap
취나물오징어무침 Wild veggie and octopus(O-jing-o) seasoned with hot sauce
진미무침 Dried octopus(Jin-mee-chae) seasoned with hot sauce
다시마회 Raw tangle with vinegared hot sauce
대구아가미젓무침 Salted gill of codfish seasoned with hot sauce
갑오징어냉채 Cold cooked octopus(Gab-O-jing-o) dish
조갯살호박나물 Clam and zucchini vegetable dish
닭고기비빔밥 Mixed rice with chicken
제육볶음덮밥 Pork saute over rice
불낙덮밥 Beef and octopus(Nak-ji) over rice
닭죽 Chicken gruel
불고기덮밥 Barbecued beef over rice
장국덮밥 Rice in beef soup
장국죽 Beef soup with rice gruel
장국죽(2) Beef soup with rice gruel (2)
돈육비빔덮밥 Pork saute over rice
닭안심덮밥 Chicken breast over rice
닭온밥 Rice in chicken and vegetable soup
쇠고기죽 Beef gruel
쇠고기감자덮밥 Beef and potato over rice
한방닭죽 Han-bang chicken gruel
닭콩나물비빔밥 Mixed rice with chicken and bean sprouts
보리비빔밥 Mixed barely
야채건강비빔밥(2) Healthy rice mixed with vegetables
햄비빔밥 Mixed rice with ham
불고기생채비빔밥 Mixed rice with barbecued beef and fresh vegetables
보리콩나물밥 Steamed barely with bean sprouts
온반 Rice in beef soup with garnish (beef,bean-curd,mushroom,egg)
만가닥불고기볶음밥 Mushroom and barbecued beef pilaf
해주비빔밥 Hae-joo style mixed rice
쇠고기감자덮밥(2) Beef and potato over rice (2)
고추장불고기 Barbecued beef with hot sauce
닭칼국수 handmade noodle with chicken
손만두국 handmade dumpling soup
사천식냉면 Chinese style cold buckwheat noodle
쇠고기무국(대) Beef and radish soup (large)
계란파국(대) Egg soup with green onion (large)
해장국(대) Soup to chase a hangover (large)
육개장(대) Spicy beef soup (large)
곱창국 Intestines soup
곰국(대) Beef stock soup (large)
선지내장국(대) Sun-ji and intestines soup (large)
쇠고기실파국(대) Beef soup with green onion (large)
닭고기국(대) Chicken soup (large)
쇠고기미역국(대) Seaweed(Mi-Yok) soup with beef (large)
선지국(대) Sun-ji soup (large)
닭개장 (대) Spicy chicken soup (large)
따로국(대) Spicy soup (large)
사골우거지국(대) Beef stock soup with cabbage (large)
순대국(대) Korean sausage soup (large)
닭고기미역국(대) seaweed(Mi-Yok) soup with chicken (large)
쇠고기두부토장국(대) Beef and bean-curd soybean paste soup (large)
백숙 Chicken stew
쇠고기미역국(2) seaweed(Mi-Yok) soup with beef(2)
사골우거지국(중) Beef stock soup with cabbage (medium)
선지국(중) Sun-ji soup (medium)
닭고기미역국(중) seaweed(Mi-Yok) soup with chicken (medium)
따로국(중) Spicy soup (medium)
순대국(중) Korean sausage soup (medium)
당면곱창국 Chinese noodle and intestines soup
해장국(중) Soup to chase a hangover (medium)
선지내장국(중) Sun-ji and intestines soup (medium)
쇠고기실파국(중) Beef soup with green onion (medium)
닭고기국(중) Chicken soup (medium)
곰국(중) Beef stock soup (medium)
계란파국(중) Egg soup with green onion (medium)
만두육개장 Spicy dumpling soup
쇠고기미나리국 Beef and dropwort soup
사골당면국 Beef stock soup with Chinese noodle
쇠고기감자국 Beef and potato soup
팽이육개장 Spicy mushroom soup
시래기해장국 Soup to chase a hangover with dried cabbage
돼지곰국 Pork stock soup
쇠고기굴국 Beef and oyster soup
유부만두국 Fried bean-curd and dumpling soup
돼지국밥 Pork soup with rice
곱창전골(대) Intestines casserole (large)
돈육김치찌개(대) Kimchi stew with pork (large)
소시지찌개(대) Sausage stew (large)
쇠고기두부찌개(대) Beef and bean-curd stew (large)
햄김치지개(대) Kimchi stew with ham (large)
햄섞어찌개(대) Mixed ham stew (large)
쇠고기전골(대) Beef casserole (large)
불낙전골(대) Beef and octopus(Nak-ji) casserole (large)
돈육김치찌개(중) Kimchi stew with pork (medium)
햄김치찌개(중) Kimchi stew with ham (medium)
닭개장(중) Spicy chicken soup (medium)
햄섞어찌개(중) Mixed ham stew (medium)
육개장(중) Spicy beef soup (medium)
불낙전골(중) Beef and octopus(Nak-ji) casserole (medium)
곱창전골(중) Intestines casserole (medium)
쇠고기전골(중) Beef casserole (medium)
쇠고기두부찌개(중) Beef and bean-curd stew (medium)
소시지찌개(중) Sausage stew (medium)
베이컨고추장전골 Bacon casserole with hot sauce
마카로니곱창전골 Macaroni and intestines casserole
삼겹살감자찌개 Pork and potato stew
갈비낙지찌개 Rib and octopus(Nak-ji) stew
삼겹살김치전골 Pork and Kimchi casserole
돈육두부찌개 Pork and bean-curd stew
닭곰탕(대) Chicken stock soup (large)
설렁탕(대) Beef noodle soup (large)
갈비탕 Rib soup
쵸교탕 Beef and chicken soup with vegetables
달걀탕(대) Egg flower soup (large)
곰탕(대) Beef stock soup (large)
삼계탕 Chicken soup with ginseng
족탕 Pork hock soup
육수 Meat stock
내장탕(대) Intestines soup (large)
도가니탕(대) Ox knee bone soup (large)
양지탕 Beef brisket soup
스지탕(대) Beef soup (large)
육각영양탕 Special beef soup
꼬리곰탕(대) Beef tail stock soup (large)
된장곰탕 Beef stock soup with soybean paste
곰탕(중) Beef stock soup (medium)
설렁탕(중) Beef noodle soup (medium)
반계탕 Half-chicken soup with ginseng
내장탕(중) Intestines soup (medium)
달걀탕(중) Egg flower soup (medium)
꼬리곰탕(중) Beef tail stock soup (medium)
닭곰탕(2) Chicken stock soup (2)
도가니탕(중) Ox knee bone soup (medium)
스지탕(중) Beef soup (medium)
돼지갈비감자탕 Pork rib and potato soup
돼지갈비비지탕 Pork rib and bean-curd dregs soup
쇠고기팽이버섯탕 Beef and mushroom soup
삼갈비탕 Rib soup with ginseng
제주도식갈비탕 Che-ju-do style rib soup
닭새우젓탕 Chicken soup with salted shrimp
황볶이탕 Roasted beef,radish,bean sprouts soup seasoned with soy sauce
(특)설렁탕 (Special) Beef noodle soup
한방삼계탕 Han-bang chicken soup with ginseng
쑥갈비탕 Rib soup with mugwort
호박고지들깨탕 Dried zucchini soup with wild sesame
만가닥버섯탕 Mushroom soup
한방영양곰탕 Han-bang beef stock soup
닭고기매운곰탕 Spicy chicken stock soup
만가닥영양갈비탕 Mushroom and rib soup
쇠고기감자탕 Beef and potato soup
제육볶음 Pork saute
비엔나소시지볶음 Sausage saute
햄야채볶음 Ham and vegetable saute
감자닭볶음 Potato and chicken saute
월과채 Assorted vegetable dish
쇠고기야채볶음 Beef and vegetable saute
소시지삼색볶음 Sausage and three vegetable saute
후랑크소시지볶음 Sausage saute
후랑크야채볶음 Sausage and vegetable saute
소시지어묵볶음 Sausage and fish jelly saute
소시지양배추볶음 Sausage and Western cabbage saute
소시지피망볶음 Sausage and green pepper saute
쇠고기무볶음 Beef and radish saute
햄피망볶음 Ham and green pepper saute
내장볶음 Intestines saute
허파볶음 Lungs saute
돈육불고기 Barbecued pork
비엔나야채볶음 Sausage and vegetable saute
비엔나김치볶음 Sausage and Kimchi saute
순대볶음 Korean sausage (Soon-dae) saute
간볶음 Liver saute
닭불고기 Barbecued chicken
쇠고기떡볶음 Beef and rice-cake saute
불고기 Barbecued beef (Bul-go-gi)
돈육부추볶음 Pork and leek saute
돈육고추장볶음 Spicy pork saute
제육깻잎볶음 Pork and sesame leaves saute
고구마닭볶음 Sweet potato and chicken saute
돼지갈비볶음 Pork ribs saute
닭안심볶음 Chicken breast saute
제육버섯볶음 Pork and mushroom saute
불고기무쌈 Barbecued beef wrapped with radish
삼겹살두루치기 Three-ply meat of pork saute
쇠고기피망볶음 Beef and green pepper saute
쇠고기볶음 Beef saute
쇠고기표고볶음 Beef and mushroom saute
쇠고기호박볶음 Beef and zucchini saute
닭고기된장보쌈 Chicken wrap with soybean paste
구절판 Nine foods tray
곱창김치볶음 Intestines and Kimchi saute
삼겹살김치볶음 Three-ply meat of pork and Kimchi saute
돈육배추볶음 Pork and cabbage saute
우불팽이버섯볶음 Barbecued beef with mushroom
낙지곱창볶음 octopus(Nak-ji) and intestines saute
곱창야채볶음 Intestines and vegetable saute
돈육마늘볶음 Pork and garlic saute
닭볶음 Chicken saute
호박베이컨볶음 Zucchini and bacon saute
모듬떡볶이(라볶이) Assorted rice-cake saute
가지돈육볶음 Eggplant and pork saute
달걀튀김 Fried boiled egg
계란후라이 Fried egg
탕수베지미트 Sweet and sour vegetables
돼지갈비강정 Fried pork ribs coated with starch syrup and soy sauce
후랑크튀김 Fried sausage
한식탕수육 Korean style sweet and sour pork
탕수육/인삼소스 Fried pork with ginseng sauce
쇠고기강정 Fried beef coated with starch syrup and soy sauce
계란말이 Rolled egg
돈육구이 Broiled pork
쇠고기구이 Broiled beef
갈비구이 Broiled ribs
삼겹살구이 Broiled three-ply meat of pork
족발바베큐 Barbecued pork hock
돈육된장구이 Broiled pork with soybean sauce
삼겹살고추장구이 Broiled three-ply meat of pork with hot sauce
매운계란말이 Spicy rolled egg
너비아니구이 Barbecued beef
장산적 Meat and vegetables on a skewer
닭꼬지 Chicken skewer
우민찌뱅어포구이 Broiled whitebait with ground beef
오리고기구이 Broiled duck
한식로스트비프 Korean style roasted beef
계란새우말이(완) Rolled egg with shrimp (ready prepared)
계란야채햄말이(완) Rolled egg with vegetable and ham (ready prepared)
계란야채말이(완) Rolled egg with vegetable (ready prepared)
계란말이(완) Rolled egg (ready prepared)
계란야채김말이(완) Rolled egg with vegetable and seaweed(Kim) (ready prepared)
계란야채새우말이(완) Rolled egg with vegetable and shrimp (ready prepared)
소시지전 Panfried sausages
간전 Panfried livers
두부돈전 Panfried bean-curd and pork
허파전 Panfried lungs
섭산적 Panfried ground meat
쇠고기표고전 Panfried mushroom (Pyo-go) stuffed with ground beef
닭안심전 Panfried chicken breast
햄계란말이 Rolled egg with ham
모듬전 Assorted pancakes
닭고기녹두전(완) Mung-bean pancake with chicken (ready prepared)
닭찜 Smothered chicken
어화찜 Smothered pollack rolls
제육편육 Sliced cooked pork
제육갈비찜 Smothered pork ribs
쇠고기찜 Smothered beef
소갈비찜 Smothered beef ribs
계란찜 Steamed egg
미더덕찜 Smothered seafood (Mi-the-duk)
편육 Sliced cooked pork
돈사태찜 Steamed pork shank
삶은메추리알 Boiled quail eggs
삶은계란 Boiled eggs
참치계란찜 Steamed egg with tuna
겨자편육쌈 Pork wrap with mustard
우설찜 Smothered beef tongue
명란알계란찜 Steamed egg with pollack egg
들깨닭찜 Smothered chicken with perilla seeds
경상도식찜갈비 Kyoung-sang-do style smothered ribs
계란흰자찜 Smothered egg white
삼사태찜 Smothered beef shank with ginseng
쇠고기콩나물찜 Smothered beef with bean sprouts
영양닭찜 Healthy smothered chicken
만두콩나물찜 Smothered dumpling with bean sprouts
건새우콩나물찜 Smothered shrimp with bean sprouts
궁중닭찜 Royal court style smothered chicken
한방갈비찜 Han-bang smothered beef ribs with ginseng and jujube
우사태찜 Smothered beef shank
양목찜 Smothered sheep neck
계란찜(스넥) Steamed egg (snack)
계란조림 Egg braised with soy sauce
돈육장조림 Pork braised with soy sauce
쇠고기감자조림 Beef and potato braised with soy sauce
소시지양파조림 Sausage and onion braised with soy sauce
닭고기감자조림 Chicken and potato braised with soy sauce
간조림 Liver braised with soy sauce
쇠고기장조림 Beef braised with soy sauce
쇠고기양파조림 Beef and onion braised with soy sauce
돈육계란조림 Pork and egg braised with soy sauce
쇠고기고추조림 Beef and green pepper braised with soy sauce
소시지어묵조림 Sausage and fish jelly braised with soy sauce
햄감자조림 Ham and potato braised with soy sauce
미트볼케찹조림 Meat ball braised with ketchup
소시지감자조림 Sausage and potato braised with soy sauce
닭강정 Fried chicken coated with millet jelly and soy sauce
돈육고추장강정 Fried pork coated with millet jelly and hot sauce
소시지밤조림 Sausage and chestnut braised with soy sauce
쇠고기우엉조림 Beef and burdock braised with soy sauce
삼겹살감자조림 Three-ply meat of pork and potato braised with soy sauce
돈육연근조림 Pork and lotus root braised with soy sauce
생강우육조림 Beef and sliced ginger braised with soy sauce
돈육무말랭이조림 Pork and dried radish braised with soy sauce
돈육강정 Fried pork coated with millet jelly and soy sauce
생강우육조림 Beef and sliced ginger braised with soy sauce
닭고기장조림 Chicken braised with soy sauce
닭연북어조림 Chicken and dried pollack braised with soy sauce
우사태껍질콩조림 Beef and husk-bean braised with soy sauce
돈육메추리알조림 Pork and quail eggs braised with soy sauce
닭다리조림 Chicken thigh braised with soy sauce
돈육감자조림 Pork and potatoes braised with soy sauce
쇠고기계란장조림 Beef and eggs braised with soy sauce
LA돈갈비조림 Pork ribs braised with soy sauce
만가닥장조림 Man-ga-dack mushroom braised with soy sauce
삼겹살무조림 Three-ply meat of pork and radish braised with soy sauce
닭고기연근조림 Chicken and lotus root braised with soy sauce
메추리알조림 Quail eggs braised with soy sauce
메추리알조림(완) Quail eggs braised with soy sauce (ready prepared)
메추리알어묵조림 Quail eggs and fish jelly braised with soy sauce
돈육보쌈 Cooked pork and vegetables served with wrap sauce
족채 Sliced cooked pork with mustard sauce
닭고기겨자채 Sliced cooked chicken with mustard sauce
수육겨자채 Sliced cooked pork with mustard sauce
수육무침 Sliced cooked pork seasoned with hot sauce
닭살고추장무침 Chicken meat seasoned with hot sauce
돈육냉채 Cooked pork with vegetables (cold dish)
닭살깨즙냉채 Cooked chicken with vegetables and sesame sauce (cold dish)
편육냉채 Boiled pork slice and vegetable seasoned with mustard sauce (cold dish)
우육보쌈 Boiled beef slice and vegetable with wrap sauce
제육된장무침 Pork seasoned with soybean sauce
우민찌오가리나물 Ground beef and dried zucchini vegetable dish
돈육우엉김치 Pork and burdock Kimchi
구이용소스 Sauce for roasting
비빔밥 Mixed rice with vegetables
김치볶음밥 Kimchi pilaf
열무김치비빔밥 Mixed rice with radish leaves Kimchi
전주비빔밥 Jeon - ju style mixed rice
김치볶음덮밥 Kimchi saute over rice
영양솥밥 Steamed rice with minced beef and vegetable
무밥 Steamed rice with radish
꽁보리비빔밥 Mixed barely with vegetables
열무김치꽁보리밥 Mixed barely with radish leaves Kimchi
노각비빔밥 Mixed rice with fried tangle
콩나물볶음밥 Bean sprouts pilaf
콩나물덮밥 Bean sprouts over rice
냉이비빔밥 Mixed rice with pickpurse
야채죽 Vegetable gruel
생야채비빔밥 Mixed rice with fresh vegetables
따로김밥 Kim-bob
된장덮밥 Steamed rice with vegetable seasoned with bean paste
산채볶음밥 Wild vegetable pilaf
참치김밥 Tuna kim-bob
김치비빔밥 Mixed rice with Kimchi
야채건강비빔밥 Healthy mixed rice with vegetables
충청도식비빔밥 Chung-chung do style mixed rice
어묵야채볶음밥 Fish jelly and vegetable pilaf
열무김치볶음밥 Radish leaves Kimchi pilaf
옥수수잡채덮밥 Mixed noodle with vegetables and corn over rice
인삼영양밥 Steamed rice with ginseng and vegetable
진주식비빔밥 Jin-ju style mixed rice
양송이김치덮밥 Mushroom and Kimchi saute over rice
속풀이 국밥 Soup to chase a hangover with rice
콩나물해장국밥 Bean sprouts soup to chase a hangover
흑임자죽 Black sesame gruel
애호박죽 Zucchini gruel
초미죽 Jujube gruel
율자죽 Chestnut gruel
호도죽 Walnut gruel
아욱죽 Mallow gruel
근대죽 Chard gruel
콩나물죽 Bean sprouts gruel
쇠고기아욱죽 Beef and mallow gruel
팽이버섯닭죽 Chicken gruel with mushroom
헛제사밥 Mixed rice with assorted vegetable for ceremonial rites
우거지지짐덮밥 Cabbage saute over rice
시금치두부비빔밥 Steamed rice mixed with spinach and bean-curd
만가닥영양밥 Steamed rice with mushroom
강된장돌나물비빔밥 Steamed rice mixed with vegetable and soybean paste
부추비빔밥 Mixed rice with leek
시래기주먹밥 Rice balls with dried radish leaves seasoned with bean paste
호박범벅 Pumpkin porridge
미나리죽 Dropwort gruel
고추장야채볶음밥 Vegetable pilaf with hot sauce
겉절이보리비빔밥 Steamed barley mixed with vegetable and hot sauce
버섯볶음밥 Mushroom pilaf
단호박볶음밥 Pumpkin pilaf
감자볶음밥 Potato pilaf
쌈밥 Wrapped rice
콩나물무밥 Steamed rice with bean sprouts and radish
검정깨밥 Steamed rice with black sesame
흑미더덕비빔밥 Steamed black rice with Codonopsis lanceolata (The-duk)
새송이덮밥 Mushroom over rice
호박죽(스넥) Pumpkin gruel(snack)
비빔밥(스넥) Rice mixed with vegetables (snack)
열무김치비빔밥(스넥) Rice mixed with radish leaves Kimchi(snack)
영양밥(스넥) Special steamed rice
삼색덮밥(스넥) Three vegetables over rice(snack)
김치볶음덮밥(스넥) Kimchi pilaf (snack)
김치수제비 Kimchi soup with dough flakes
열무비빔냉면 Noodle with radish leaves Kimchi
물미역비빔국수 Noodle mixed with seaweed(Mi-Yok) and hot sauce
동치미국수 Noodle with water radish kimchi
잡채국수 Mixed noodle with vegetables
표고비빔국수 Mixed noodle with mushroom
나박김치국수 Water Kimchi noodle
김치어묵볶음국수 Noodle with Kimchi and fish jelly saute
동치미막국수 Noodle with water radish kimchi
김치떡국 Kimchi rice-cake soup
잡채비빔국수 Noodle mixed with vegetables and hot sauce
팽이국수 Noodle with mushroom (Pang-i)
삼색수제비 Three colors of soup with dough flakes
그린수제비 Green soup with dough flakes
평양김치말이국수 Pyoung-yang style noodle with kimchi
쑥수제비 Soup with mugwort dough flakes
육장국수 Beef and noodle with soy sauce soup
만가닥버섯국수 Noodle with Man-ga-dack mushroom
모듬버섯떡국 Rice-cake soup with assorted mushrooms
아욱칼국수 Handmade noodle with mallow
얼큰한 버섯칼국수 Spicy handmade noodle with mushroom
만가닥쟁반국수 Noodle tray with mushroom
오이잣국수 Noodle with cucumber and pine nut
비빔냉칼국수 Cold noodle handmade
냉콩국수 Cold noodle with bean soup
나박김치물냉면 Cold noodle in water kimchi
북어수제비 Pollack soup with dough flakes
찬밥미역수제비 seaweed(Mi-Yok) soup with dough flakes and steamed rice
평양식왕만두국 Pyoung-yang style dumpling soup
된장콩수제비 Soybean soup with dough flakes
김치우동 Japanese noodle with Kimchi
별미라면 Special instant noodle
시금치조갯살국(대) Spinach soup with clam (large)
얼갈이국 Cabbage soup
근대국(대) Chard soup(large)
오이냉국 Cold soup with cucumber
애호박국(대) Zucchini soup(large)
미역냉국(대) Cold soup with seaweed(Mi-Yok) (large)
미역해래기국(대) seaweed(Mi-Yok) soup with clam(large)
미역오이냉국(대) Cold soup with seaweed(Mi-Yok) and cucumber (large)
배추국(대) Cabbage soup(large)
아욱국(대) Mallow soup(large)
양배추국(대) Western cabbage soup(large)
미역국(대) seaweed(Mi-Yok) soup(large)
호박잎된장국(대) Pumpkin leaves soybean soup (large)
느타리버섯국(대) Mushroom soup(large)
솎음배추국(대) Young cabbage soup(large)
가지냉국 Cold soup with eggplant
김치콩나물국(대) Kimchi and bean sprouts soup(large)
김치두부국(대) Kimchi and bean-curd soup(large)
냉이된장국(대) Pickpurse soybean soup(large)
우거지국(대) Cabbage leaves soup(large)
우묵냉국 Cold soup with seaweed jelly (Woo-mook)
무채국(대) Sliced radish soup(large)
무다시마국(대) Radish and tangle soup(large)
솎음배추조개국(대) Cabbage and clam soup(large)
산나물조개국 Wild vegetable and clam soup
시금치국 Spinach soup
원추리국 Day lily (Won-chew-ri) soup
토란국(대) Taro soup(large)
햇고사리국(대) Fernbrake soup(large)
호박두부된장국(대) Zucchini and bean -curd soybean soup(large)
열무된장국(대) Radish leaves soybean soup(large)
무채냉국 Cold soup with sliced radish
쑥왜된장국 Japanese soybean soup with mugwort
양배추두부국(대) Western cabbage and bean-curd soup(large)
오이지냉국 Cold soup with pickled cucumber
콩가루배추국(대) Cabbage soup with bean flour(large)
무새우젓국(대) Radish soup with salted shrimp(large)
시금치콩나물국(대) Spinach and bean sprout soup(large)
시래기국(대) Dried radish leaves soup(large)
호박조개살국(대) Zucchini and clam soup(large)
근대콩나물국(대) Chard and bean sprouts soup(large)
무채된장국 Sliced radish soup
김계란국(대) seaweed(Kim) and egg soup(large)
콩나물해장국(대) Bean sprouts soup to chase a hango
출처 : MPR 마케팅홍보
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